Teller Report

Laurent Berger on the emergency plan: "When will the emergency professionals see a concrete change?"

9/10/2019, 6:44:05 AM

Laurent Berger, number 1 of the CFDT, explains Tuesday at the microphone of Europe 1, his position on the crisis in emergencies and the plan announced by Agnès Buzyn, the Minister of Solidarities and Health.

Laurent Berger, number 1 of the CFDT, explains Tuesday at the microphone of Europe 1, his position on the crisis in emergencies and the plan announced by Agnès Buzyn, the Minister of Solidarities and Health.


The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, was Tuesday in the studio of Europe 1. Received the day before by Emmanuel Macron, he speaks on the plan announced by the Minister of Solidarities and Health, Agnès Buzyn. The budget dedicated to its "Emergency Rebuilding Pact" amounts to 750 million euros spread over 3 years. Enough to stop the social movement in progress?

Laurent Berger thinks it's not up to him "to tell them what to do". As for the plan announced by Agnès Buzyn, he has "a nuanced approach". "We can not say that nothing has happened," he continues. He explains: "On the dispatching for example, the reception of emergencies will be done differently.The sector for the elderly, it is a good track.The extra beds too".

Only problem for the leader of the CFDT: where to find the 750 million euros promised? "What about the implementation? What about 750 million, taken to other services in some way?", He wonders? But above all, "when will the emergency professionals, who are in great pain, see a concrete change in their reality?"

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