Teller Report

Alcácer cheers the tostón of Spain

9/8/2019, 8:59:04 PM

UEFA no longer knows what to do to avoid games like El Molinón. The famous League of Nations has been invented, but that heals the wounds of a year. The classification phases

  • Tribute: Sad Bagpipes by Xana in El Molinón
  • Classifications.The group of Spain

UEFA no longer knows what to do to avoid games like El Molinón. The famous League of Nations has been invented, but that heals the wounds of a year. The qualification phases for Eurocups and World Cups are still in the grip of such unequal and boring fights, such as the one used by Spain to take another, almost definitive, step towards the Euro next summer. A particular performance by Ramos and two doublets, one by Rodrigo and the other by Alcácer , left the drink somewhat less bitter than it seemed. [Narration and statistics: 4-0]

Especially thanks to Borussia Dortmund striker, who scored two goals between 90 and the final, making it clear that if there is any man who does not make the goal small, it is him. He has scored 12 goals in 17 games, each time he sets foot on the field is a guarantee and yesterday he certified another of those tasteless goals that Spain is walking with. Right now he has eight points of advantage in his group with respect to the third (two are classified directly), in this case Romania. There are only 12 left at stake. And two of them are at home. Well, that.

There were only two reasons for a player to repeat in the lineup after the Bucharest match. One was to match Iker Casillas as a player with more international matches, something that led Sergio Ramos to eleven. Well, at eleven and try until an unlikely shot from a long distance. And to live for many minutes, without ton or are, in the area of ​​the Faroe Islands waiting for a center. The other, that Rodrigo Moreno, imprisoned in Valencia after having said goodbye to the teammates and returned the car keys, somehow recovered the smile, and that's why the tip repeated. It is not known to what extent a match, and two goals, against the Faroe Islands can help you recover anything, but the fact is there. The rest, all new.

New no, in fact. De Gea is not new, although it seems that his role has changed in the selection. Suddenly he has been put on as a substitute for Kepa. Nor is Carvajal, probably, without discussion, the most complete right-back of Spanish football, but the second-or third-youth of Jesus Navas also has him waiting. Then, a lot of those middle class players who enter and leave the national team without penalty or glory. Parejo, Thiago, Gayá ... Finally, some boys who need to test on more serious nights: Oyarzabal, Rodrigo and even Suso.

He was not yesterday's opponent or good means to test anything, but going almost one by one it can be concluded that the middle class still needs to claim their place as it should be done in these cases. It seems prehistory, but Thiago, along with Isco, was one of the great players to rebuild Spain after the slap that the champion team took in the 2014 World Cup. Among injuries and delays like yesterday, the Bayern de Munich is watching the trains go by without getting on.

The match itself was expected. A lot of players of the other team entrenched in front of their goalkeeper, without even trying to have the ball minimally, and Spain circulating and circulating in search of the cracks. It is true that there are not many more ways to face torture like last night, but the selection lacked, at times, speed in the circulation and, for other moments, some spark, one on one, trying not to be so academic. Of course, what was offered, even in this very bland version, was enough before the group's colista, who still had, thanks to a mistake of Ramos's bulge, the opportunity to plant himself hand in hand with De Gea. It was Bjartali, whom the Manchester United goalkeeper became very big at the moment of truth. That was just before Alcacer said, again, here I am.

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