Teller Report

72 hours of total blackout in the PSOE-Podemos negotiation

9/8/2019, 6:11:10 PM

The negotiations between the PSOE and United We have suffered a total blackout during this weekend. The negotiating teams of both parties had settled last ju

  • Negotiation: This was the PSOE-Podemos meeting: four hours blank and one to make a new meeting
  • Investidura: The meeting between the PSOE and United We Fails, run aground by the ministries

The negotiations between the PSOE and United We have suffered a total blackout during this weekend. The negotiating teams of both parties had set out last Thursday to continue advancing these days through an exchange of papers, however, the reality is that neither the phones have rang nor have there been messages that sent new documents, according to sources consulted

One could speak, therefore, of an absolute paralysis in the investiture and of a slowdown in the plans that came out of the first negotiating meeting between the emissaries of Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias. And that despite the fact that the clock keeps running at full speed and that times are tightening. Because although the deadline is September 23, the holding of another investiture vote requires institutional times that adjust more than the calendar seems. It is necessary to launch before the round of consultations with the King, the formal call for a full investiture and consider the possibility of having to resort to a second vote, 48 hours after the first, for not having achieved the absolute majority .

All this makes this starting week practically definitive for the future of the Government. But the duties continue without being done. To the point that at this point it is increasingly palpable that the PSOE does not seem to be taking the rest to convince United We can to agree, at least, a joint program.

The Socialists had been theoretically in explaining and concretizing throughout this weekend what were the positions of high representation in institutions and agencies of the State, outside the Council of Ministers, which are offering United We Can -and that in The meeting also failed to detail despite the express questions. As well as deepen and specify the intended "third way," with which Sanchez wants to close a common plan for the legislature.

For that they had begun to exchange documents these days - as the socialist Adriana Lastra said - but, according to sources from Unidos Podemos, the result is that there has been nothing. No calls or papers.

This does not straighten the image of fiasco that the meeting held last week for the interests of the two parties. Because more than approaching positions, what both found that day was the huge difference that exists on the configuration of the new Executive. United We can demand a coalition and the PSOE closes absolutely in band to accept it.

In addition to the negotiating blackout, the holding of a second meeting between socialists and purples has not been publicly communicated to get out of this blockade. The two teams spoke on their day of meeting again this Monday, but it seems that this date has also cooled. It is true that arranging a meeting is relatively fast, and can occur at any time. More if possible because this week there is activity in Congress and all members of the negotiating teams are available.

Nor is it ruled out that on this occasion you want to face the second date with greater discretion. That is, without notifying the press until it is finished, to help lower the noise level. Something that is sometimes used for stranded situations.

In this context, there are political actors who see it black, such as the PNV. Antoni Ortuzar - who met with Sanchez last week and came out with some pessimism - believes that there will be a repeat election and said in an interview in El Correo that Sanchez "will have disappointed them." He reproaches both him and Iglesias for their "lack of maturity."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • United We Can
  • PSOE
  • Adriana Lastra
  • PNV
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • We can
  • TV

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