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Political crisis, economy ... Macron reviews its major G7 themes

8/21/2019, 7:59:16 PM

Political crisis, economy ... Macron reviews its major G7 themes

Paris (AFP)

Wars, climate, ecology, crisis of the Western model ... President Emmanuel Macron detailed Wednesday in front of the press the major topics he intends to address at the next summit of the G7 this weekend in Biarritz.

G7 format

The President insisted on the "informal" nature he wants to give back to the G7, "a laboratory of work and an important step in what we have been trying for two years" in the context of a revival of multilateralism .

"We will talk about the main strategic issues of security, trade and the world economy in a very informal way, say things (...) and we will see if there is material to make releases," he said. -it develops.


"It is relevant that eventually Russia can join the G8" she was excluded in 2014 after the invasion of Crimea, said Emmanuel Macron.

"The divorce was registered at the time of the invasion of Ukraine.The prerequisite" for a readmission of Moscow "is that a solution is found in connection with Ukraine on the basis of the Minsk agreements", he added.

"To say Russia unconditionally must come back to the table tomorrow, is to somehow acter the weakness of the G7," said the French president. US President Donald Trump on Tuesday favored the return to the G8 with Russia, without mentioning any particular prerequisite.

Iranian crisis

"We need to have a summit discussion on how we handle the Iranian issue, we have real disagreements within the G7: three European powers and Japan who have a fairly clear position, a relationship with Iran totally assumed, and the Americans (...) who decided to totally change the line "and denounced the 2015 agreement on nuclear power.

Mr. Macron said he would have "before the G7, a meeting with the Iranians to try to propose things," without further details.

He will meet in Paris on Friday with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, according to the official Iranian news agency Irna.

Fiscal stimulus and monetary policy

"We must ask the question for the countries that have the capacity, the relevance of a fiscal stimulus, it is a subject that is posed to Europe, to France (...), to the Germany, "said Macron, referring to Berlin's reluctance to use its budget surpluses, even as its economy risks recession.

He also said that the policies of lowering the rates of major central banks had reached their limits, in reference to Donald Trump who wants the Fed to lower its key rates.


Macron wants to "make the G7 a commitment of the big powers (to prepare for the September summit at the United Nations.) We will have to announce our commitments for the replenishment of the Green Climate Fund".


Macron, who plans to defend the G7 global taxation of digital giants (GAFA), denounced a system "crazy" that leaves global players have "a status of permanent tax haven".

"The global digital players do not contribute financially to the financing of the common good, it is not sustainable," he said, explaining having discussed Monday with Donald Trump, who has fiercely opposed in recent weeks to the French tax on major technological groups.


Emmanuel Macron said he would ask Boris Johnson on Thursday for a "clarification" during their meeting in Paris, because the British Prime Minister's demands for renegotiation of Brexit are "not an option that exists", according to the chief. of the French State.


"Italy deserves leaders at the height of" this "great people", but "when we join forces with the extreme right, in the end it is always the extreme right that wins," he said. he launched, commenting on the political crisis that the country is going through with the end of the League-Movement 5 Stars coalition.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will resign from the G7 Biarritz.

Crisis of Western hegemony

"Western hegemony is being deeply questioned". But for the French president, the West must be "an operator of this new order" being born because of the emergence of the powers, otherwise, Europe will run the risk of "having to choose his camp, in a role of vassalage ".

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