Teller Report

"I do not know what to do ..." Religious privatization brakes Gulina

8/6/2019, 12:15:53 PM

There has been a controversy over the fact that the superhero church in Seoul Myeongseong Church inherited the position of pastor from father to son. The rich hereditary inhabitants are said to be ineffective.


There has been a controversy over the fact that the superhero church in Seoul Myeongseong Church inherited the position of pastor from father to son. The rich hereditary inhabitants are said to be ineffective.

Kim Young-ah is on the press.


In front of the Memorial Hall of the 100th Anniversary of the Korean Church, where the Presbytery of the Korean Presbyterian Church was held.

In the heat of the heat, students of theological college held a rally against "hereto" with tears and prayers.

The denomination of the denomination decided today that the son, Kim Hahnah, succeeded Pastor Kim Mi-hwan, who was the founder of dawn, and that his son Kim's succession as a pastor of Myeongseong Church was invalid.

He has violated the "Anti-Patriotic Act" set forth in the Constitution of the denomination.

The Myeongseong Church is one of the largest churches in Korea with a registered membership of 100,000 and an annual contribution of 40 billion won.

[Joint Representative of the Buddhism / Church Reform Practical Solidarity: Church inheritance can only be seen as an attempt to conceal such things as religious corruption and administrative incompatibility of the church, which is forced to privatize religion and inheritance.]

There are more than 150 churches in the country where the pastoral office is hereditary.

Much of the great churches, regardless of denominations and denominations, such as Gwanran, Immanuel, Gwanglim,

Chung Hyeon Church has also held a 'repentance press conference' on the sickbed by founder Kim Chang-in, who gave his son his pastorship.

[Late Kim Chang-in Chung Hyeon Church Pastor (2012): I repent that this was a big mistake before God.]

Among the more than 300 Protestant denominations, the denomination denoting the "Constitution prohibition" in the Constitution is only three places: the Incheon, the Captain, and the Passion.

(Image coverage: Hyun Sang Kim, Hyun Chul Park, Image editing: Jong Tae Kim)

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