Teller Report

Putin spoke about immersion in the bathyscaphe at the bottom of the Gulf of Finland

7/27/2019, 1:40:52 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin shared his impressions of diving in a bathyscaphe on the bottom of the Gulf of Finland to the wreckage of the submarine Shch-308, which sank during the Great Patriotic War.

“The impressions, I would say, are bright. This is not the first time I have been diving. Therefore, impressions are not from immersion, impressions, rather, from the object that we saw, ”RIA Novosti quoted Putin.

The President said that during the dive, he did not control the bathyscaphe.

He also added that during the descent of the apparatus, a cloud of silt rose to the bottom, which later dissipated.

Earlier, Putin in the bathyscaphe plunged to the place of the submarine Shch-308 wreckage for installation on the hull of a memorial plaque.