Teller Report

Commission of Inquiry reveals .. Security and rapid support forces participated in the dismantling of the sit-in Khartoum

7/27/2019, 2:22:34 PM

The Commission of Inquiry into the events of the sit-in of the General Command in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum revealed the involvement of officers of the security forces and the rapid support in attacking the protesters. It also revealed that security forces exceeded their tasks and stormed the sit-in area.

The commission's chairman, Maulana Fathur-ur-Rehman, said the commission found two officers - who had no instructions or instructions - "cleared" the District of Columbia.

He said the officers were warned not to intervene, but they broke orders and moved the RCD anti-riot force and ordered the protesters to be whipped.

The Fatah al-Rahman that the joint forces of the security forces exceeded their functions and stormed the sit-in and fired shots, causing the deaths and injuries and the dismantling of the sit-in and the evacuation of the scene.

The head of the investigation committee said 87 people were killed and 168 wounded on June 3 when security forces broke up a sit-in for protesters, adding that 17 people were killed in the sit-in and 48 wounded were shot.

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The forces of change refuse
For its part, announced the forces of freedom and change in Sudan rejected the results of the Commission of Inquiry of the Attorney General on the dismantling of the sit-in Khartoum, and maintained the need for an independent investigation with regional monitoring.

"As expected, the commission of inquiry did not disappoint," the Sudanese Congress Party said in a statement on Saturday. "It broadcast a report that was drafted with the sole purpose of hiding the facts and burying them in the rubble."

For his part, the leader of the forces of freedom and change, Mohamed al-Hassan al-Mahdi - through his newspaper on Facebook - that "the report of the Commission of Inquiry, which is the military council does not concern us in anything."

Meanwhile, the leader of freedom and change, civil Abbas Madani, told the newspaper on Facebook that the findings of the Commission of Inquiry will not be of value to the Independent Investigation Commission, and will not prevent its formation and carrying out its tasks. The issues of martyrs and violations that have occurred in cases are not obscured by any political agreement and will not be subject to statute of limitations.

Hamidati went to Juba to meet with some armed factions (European)

Resume negotiations
In a related context, Sudanese media reported that negotiations are expected to resume - Saturday - between the Sudanese military council and the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change.

The opposition Sudanese Congress Party, affiliated with the Sudan Appeal Alliance, one of the components of the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change, published the draft constitutional document for the transitional period to be negotiated between the forces of freedom and change and the military council.

The draft constitutional document included the features of the transitional period, the powers and powers of the sovereign council and the prime minister. While there was no official comment from the military junta on the draft constitutional declaration.

It is noteworthy that the military junta and the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change signed the political declaration on 17 July, while the signing of the constitutional declaration was postponed to a later date.

In the meantime, Mohammad Hamdan Diklu Hamidati, Vice President of the Military Council of Sudan and members of the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change arrived in Juba, the capital of southern Sudan.

A source for the island said that the delegation will meet with some of the leaders of the armed factions not participating in the Sudanese talks, with the aim of linking them to the negotiation process on the next transitional phase between the Council and the Sudanese political forces represented by the forces of freedom and change and armed movements.