Teller Report

«Planning for the future»: mistakes retirees prevent them from continuing to live positively

7/27/2019, 10:06:40 PM

Studies and research conducted by the Dubai Community Development Authority (CDA), as part of its preparation for the Future Planning Program to train government employees to manage their lives after retirement, confirmed that employees, during their tenure, make mistakes that may prevent them from continuing productivity.

Studies and research conducted by the Dubai Community Development Authority (CDA), as part of its preparation for the Future Planning Program to train government employees to manage their lives after retirement, confirmed that staff members are making mistakes that may prevent them from continuing productive and positive lives in the post Ahmed.

The Director of the Department of Senior Citizens of the Authority, Mariam Al Hammadi, told Emirates Today: "The work on preparing the initiative revealed their occurrence in the wrong practices, the most important of which is not adopting the best methods of spending during the work period, and the existence of a stable and generous source of income, For the right professional activity after the cessation of employment, in addition to ignoring some employees for the need to have a wife in their lives, and the formation of a family, and believe that work is the only thing important in their lives ».

Al-Hammadi added that these practices show their negative impact later on in the individual's health and psychological life, as he disrupts his ability to think properly during the post-retirement period and hides his thinking in finding ways in which he can invest his time to benefit him and society.

Al Hammadi pointed out that these errors are often repeated in the lives of the largest proportion of employees, pointing out that most employees neglect the construction of a family life surrounded by a network of social relations, because of their focus only on social activity in labor relations, adding that some may not even consider choosing Wife, asserting that this results in the subsequent withdrawal of the retiree himself, and non-contact with members of the community outside the house, and survival alone, and this leads to the deterioration of his condition, and makes him a person in need of social and health care.

She added that the employee confines himself to his job and does not return to production in other areas. He says that when he retires, he has a sense of self-distrust. He controls his thinking that he is an old man and loses faith in his ability to give. He can not work like a young man, which prevents him from doing any activity.

She added that it was a mistake to try to fill the void with activities that did not meet his psychological and intellectual needs, such as shopping addiction and the market of vegetables and fish, instead of engaging in useful sports and social activities he used to do during his career.

"During the work period, an employee depends on co-workers to fill his social life, neglecting childhood colleagues and friends from neighbors, classmates and parents. He values ​​social relationships only after he loses them and finds himself without friends sitting with them and talking to them.

She pointed out that one of the most important mistakes made by the employee also not to prepare during the period of work to another source of income, supports the monthly salary and appointed after retirement, and feel helpless and thinking that his family no longer need him, because of lower income than it was.

Al Hammadi concluded by explaining that some employees did not manage their expenses correctly during the period of their career and spending in a deliberate manner. Later, after they stopped working, they were forced to reduce expenses due to fear and anxiety because their monthly income fell to unprecedented levels after retirement. Think about working to make up for their financial resources.

8 Wrong practices

The Director of the Department of Senior Citizens in the Commission, Maryam Al-Hammadi, summarized the mistakes that may occur in the post-retirement period in eight points:

■ Do not build a family surrounded by an outside social network.

■ Non-productive production activities.

■ Neglect of cultural and sports life due to preoccupation with work.

■ Neglecting classmates and children and only working colleagues.

■ Non-participation in solving family problems during the years of employment.

■ Do not rely on an additional income source that supports salary.

■ Lack of planning for the type of professional activity suitable for post-retirement work.

■ Spending and spending are not properly managed during the period of employment.