Teller Report

Saakashvili said that there are no modern buildings in Ukraine due to corruption

6/16/2019, 9:00:24 PM

Former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili believes that in Ukraine there is not a single city with modern architecture because of corruption in the country. According to him, in the Ukrainian cities there is no modern architecture that meets international standards, but there are corrupt developers.

“I am very sorry that when I look at all Ukrainian cities, there is not a single city where there is such a modern architecture that can be compared with world standards. Because there is corruption, there are corrupt developers here, ”he said on the TV channel“ 112 Ukraine ”.

Earlier, Saakashvili said that he is one of the main fans of Ukraine and intends to fight for her leadership in Europe.

On May 28, the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, signed a decree returning Ukrainian citizenship to Georgian politics.

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