Teller Report

Why do not Egyptians believe the novels of the regime?

4/14/2019, 5:39:37 PM

Abdul Karim Salim - Cairo

The satellite channels attributed to the Egyptian regime continue to repeat every few hours official statements, audio clips and pictures of what they call rumors of social networking sites and channels of opposition abroad.

In the face of alarming incidents of public opinion, the government is quick to make statements about them, but they do not seem to have the public's conviction of reactions to the websites to keep the popular narrative or the most influential opposition narrative in many cases.

"The tragedies are mutually exclusive, but they remain unresolved," she said. She said her colleagues still believed that their colleagues had been kidnapped, raped and killed in neighboring farms, despite the official denial of the incident.

This incident and the above have revealed a lack of trust between the regime and its media, on the one hand, and the people on the other.

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The beginning is Kofta
The Egyptians do not forget a number of facts engraved in the memory, when official sources announced stories that seemed certain and later turned out to be false.

The first was the official announcement of the discovery of a local cure for the C virus in 2014, and President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi cried joyously as he attended the announcement of a man named Abd al-Ati (an exceptionally high rank) to discover a device he said was treating the patient from the virus and providing him with food such as " And then refuted scientists and health destinations this discovery, stressing the lack of usefulness.

With the evaporation of the discovery, the Egyptians used to ridicule the matter in relation to the kofta.

Sisi later appeared in his military suit declaring his candidacy for the presidency, leaving his former promise of "not allowing anyone to say that the army acted for personal interests" when he turned on President-elect Mohamed Morsi.

Al-Sisi also collected more than 60 billion pounds from the Egyptians for about $ 3.46 billion by 2015, claiming that a new Suez Canal will double the channel's revenues. The figures also confirmed the decline in revenues due to the decline in global trade and the discovery of alternative routes. .

Sisi later confirmed that the project was aimed only at "raising the morale of the Egyptians", contrary to what he had previously said that he would transfer Egypt to the big countries.

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When the activists of the communication sites broadcast by the opposition satellite channels abroad close to the liberation of the pound exchange ends in 2016, a volcano of official statements burst in this direction, to the extent that Central Bank President Tariq Amer said the dollar exchange rate would reach four pounds.

It did not take weeks until the dollar jumped more than twice its price (from seven pounds to the dollar to 18.5 pounds) to return Amer, explaining that his previous statement was just a "joke."

There are numerous models in which officials failed to make statements and promises, which eventually led to the loss of the current statements and promises affecting the Egyptians.

Recently, officials denied news such as a change in the price of the dollar in the new budget, the deletion of 172 thousand citizens from the pension and Takaful and dignity, and the postponement of university examinations, but the controversy is still ongoing on such and other news.

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Repeated section
The Egyptians follow Sisi's speeches, repeating the oath about what he says, asserting that he is not lying and that he is "honest and honest," which politicians see as a growing sense of loss of confidence among officials at all levels.

"The frequent repetition of the saying and the continuous section during the meetings and speeches of officials with the absence of any shadow of the truth about those rumors on the ground, a natural result of the policy exaggerations in the statements," according to Majdi Hamdan, deputy head of the Front.

Hamdan, a former supporter of the Sisi and the opposition, said that the statements of officials clash with the reality of the situation, which speaks of taking into account low-income people and providing goods at reasonable prices.

He assured Al Jazeera Net that he will not restore confidence lacking in officials, but "a serious and sincere policy in its endeavors to the interests of the people."

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Conveyor of lies
If the media is accused of contributing to the destruction of confidence between the Egyptians and officials, the crisis is not the responsibility of the media, just as a carrier of "lies" in the opinion of the Secretary-General of the former Supreme Council of Information Qutb al-Arabi. Official officials "lack credibility" in their statements, "He said.

Al-Arabi asserts that these officials are working within a system based mainly on "lies and deception" and believes that their continuation depends on the same way. "They lie to the satisfaction of their superiors and do not care about the anger of the people who can not translate their anger into positive action."

The media does not, of course, "acquit" the media - it has already presented many "untrue lies" or people have discovered its truth later, and thus "lost its credibility" and are seen by people as merely "propaganda trumpets to beautify the face of the regime."

Al-Arabi believes that the Egyptians are now aware that the media is "helpless" under the current repressive circumstances to transfer the truth that cost them a great deal of money, imprisonment, separation or prosecution, so the media "facilitates" playing in the safe areas.

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Fourth generation wars
On the other hand, professor of sociology at Ain Shams University, Samia Khadr, called on the government to work to raise the morale of the people and not to leave them "an easy prey to the fourth generation wars" launched by means of communication, she said.

At a time when communication sites deliberately language simple and easy to understand everyone - says the academic professor - unlike the official government data issued Balfschi and not understood by nearly a quarter of the people to spread illiteracy.

She stressed the need for the government to respond quickly to the "rumors," warning that the delay in response is causing people to believe the common, in light of the attractiveness and ease and simplicity of the means of communication in transport and delivery.

In a press statement, the university professor attributed the failure of some citizens to believe in government official statements because of their reliance on the response in a way that is difficult to understand for simple people who should be addressed as the basis and focus of the government, not the intelligentsia who understands the official language.

Sisi and his media outlets often talk about what he describes as "fourth-generation wars" aimed at "breaking countries" by spreading rumors and shaking trust between the people and the government. Political scientists see this description used by authoritarian states for freedom of opinion and expression to denigrate critics and opponents.