Teller Report

Who are the five guarantors of the "great national debate"?

1/17/2019, 9:42:49 PM

Former head of La Poste, president of the CNIL, figure of the French community ...: discover the five people chosen to ensure the smooth running of the & quot; great national debate & quot;. & Nbsp;

They are responsible for ensuring the smooth running and independence of the "great national debate". A college of five was chosen Thursday to be "guarantor" of the "great national debate", which opened Tuesday to collect the grievances of the French, in response to the crisis of "yellow vests". Two of these five people have been appointed by the government of Edouard Philippe, while the other three are appointed respectively by the presidents of the three constitutional assemblies, the National Assembly, the Senate and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council.

  • Jean-Paul Bailly, 72, former boss of La Poste

The former boss of RATP and La Poste Jean-Paul Bailly has been appointed by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe as guarantor of the "great national debate," said Thursday Matignon. Jean-Paul Bailly, 72, was an engineer at the RATP in the 1970s and has multiplied the functions, before becoming CEO in 1994. He will later chair the group La Poste from 2002 to 2013. Today Jean-Paul Bailly is a director of the GDF Suez Group and the Accord Group. He has also been a member of the Economic and Social Council.

  • Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, 58, president of the CNIL

Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin was also chosen by the Prime Minister to guarantee the "great national debate". This 58-year-old State Councilor has been president since 2011 of the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties (CNIL). A graduate of ENA and HEC, Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin joined the Council of State in 1986. She was notably deputy director at the cabinet of Jacques Toubon, then Minister of Culture, at the beginning of 1990, before being appointed expert. with the OECD in 1996 and 1997 on the development of international cooperation on the Internet. Joined the CNIL in 2009, she was elected president in September 2011.

READ ALSO - How to participate in the "Great National Debate"?

  • Nadia Bellaoui, 43, Secretary General of the League of Education

The president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), Patrick Bernasconi, has appointed the association leader Nadia Bellaoui as one of the guarantors of the "great national debate". This 43-year-old woman is Secretary General of the League of Education. She has been a member of the High Council for Associations and then President of the "Mouvement associatif" and administrator of the "La France engage" foundation.

  • Guy Canivet, 75, former member of the Constitutional Council

The former member of the Constitutional Council Guy Canivet was appointed guarantor by the President of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand (LREM). Aged 75, Guy Canivet sat on rue de Montpensier from 2007 to 2016. He was named among the "Sages" by former Speaker of the National Assembly Jean-Louis Debré. Former judge, Guy Canivet was also first president of the Court of Cassation, the highest function of the judiciary, from 1999 to 2007.

  • Pascal Perrineau, 68, political scientist

Finally, Senate President Gérard Larcher (LR) on Thursday chose political scientist and sociologist Electoral Sociology Pascal Perrineau to be his "guarantor". Pascal Perrineau, often invited in the media, has taught political science in various higher institutions, including Sciences Po Paris. Author of many books, his research focuses on the analysis of elections and the extreme right French and European. He was also section secretary of the Socialist Party in Nancy in the 1970s. In February 2016, he was appointed member of the scientific council of the Interministerial Delegation for the fight against racism and antisemitism.