Teller Report

When darkness became light

1/5/2019, 11:57:54 AM

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These days, the voices of wearing the dress of religion have come out calling for renewal and overthrow of what is old and a manifestation of a desire to create a new spirit for the Islamic Ummah in accordance with the changes of the age, where they call the Islamic mind not to rely and "Istnajad" in the dead of the followers and worshipers and Imams (may Allah have mercy on them) In a very serious crisis that can not reflect the true image of Islam, which is based on the jurisprudence of imams who do not live in the same era.

And describing the Islamic mind living in the inert, which is sought in the provisions of the minds of eating and drinking time. Walsam them like the melody of their words depending on the enthusiasm and hysteria of attention and do not stop in the praise of humanity brought by the West and vice versa, almost all Muslims aim at extremism and nervousness. These are the only organizations that are suspicious of the employment of the West itself and the real objective of it is not apparent, as it turns out to be a political organization working to disseminate the ideas and agendas of the West through the exploitation of the Islamic religion in this area and the question of framing this crime is known?

The current circumstances, especially in the Middle East, have given the green light to these working partners and nourished the minds of young people with poison in the context of the Saudi-Saudi-American rapprochement, which made their imams call for extending the hand of peace to the West with an opening and abandonment of religious, moral and human values. And what was not permissible to do lawfully yesterday changed and is desirable to do, and the goal is always to establish bridges of intellectual convergence, albeit impotent.

The circle of Islam is broad and accommodating to the people's diasporas, which many believe, and that Islam is higher and higher than it is a trade that rises and falls, and that the effect of the salaf is preserved in the hearts of people before it is preserved in the books.

The matter is that all those who are hostile to the West and hostile to their policies, plans and machinations, even if they fight against it, are extremists who believe in terrorism outside the religion of Islam, as if they are monopolizing religion and reducing them to themselves. They forget all the issues of the Ummah and its pains, the most important of which is the issue of Jerusalem. Their fathers before they betray the message of Islam.

Because we are only consumers, our stomachs, minds and pleasures of life have imposed on us to deal with the West on their own terms, working in every way to control our minds and way of living, what we love and what we hate about the recruits of our nation. What if we were in the production and in all fields, whether physical or spiritual, In the manufacture of the most important minds that if realized the right did what if they need us and do not need them? Why did those who tried to bury the history of Islamic civilization and the evidence still remain and the facts will not be obscured by their lies .. Where we put the jurisprudence of the departed scientists and left the legacy of letters and books, especially Sheikh Mohammed al-Ghazali in describing the West and his plans to address the darkness coming from them, The nation reveals the machinations and sets the means of survival What if we had between us what would be his reaction?

The roots of the "hatred", which is irrigated and sponsored by the institutions of Western domination against Islam, were clear yesterday and today they are trying to hide it, trying to undermine the eternal and never ending dispute, whether political or military, even intellectual and philosophical. Which are still passed down through their generations from the dawn of Islam until now even after the secularization of Western thought and Western societies.

In summary, the danger and attention should be paid to the problem of lying to the West, which may crystallize and provoke religious strife within the Islamic milieu, and what is undesirable will happen. We have to convey a unified message. The concept is that the circle of Islam is broad and accommodating to the people, which many believe, and that Islam is higher and higher than it is a trade that rises and falls, and that the effect of advances is preserved in the hearts of people before it is preserved in books.