Teller Report

What is ROSP, this premium for GPs good students?

4/30/2019, 11:31:20 AM

This premium must be paid to some 60,000 general practitioners, who are rewarded for having complied in 2018 with the instructions of the Health Insurance aimed at reducing the Social Security deficit.

This premium must be paid to some 60,000 general practitioners, who are rewarded for having complied in 2018 with the instructions of the Health Insurance aimed at reducing the Social Security deficit.

The Health Insurance wants to reward the good practices of the doctors. Nearly 60,000 GPs will receive a bonus in the coming days: Public Health Objective Compensation (ROSP). The liberal doctors concerned will be able to receive more than 4,500 euros with the ROSP if they have, in 2018, followed the instructions of the Health Insurance. The goal is to reduce the gap in Social Security.

According to the Health Insurance, Dr. Ouroudji, based in Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône in Val-d'Oise, is one of these virtuous doctors. His premium amounts to 6,900 euros for having met several criteria, detailed in a report. "Some of the criteria allow you to know if you have prescribed generic drugs or not.It is a question of expense.Maybe that the ROSP has convinced some doctors that it is really essential to pay attention", he explains to Europe 1. And to qualify immediately: "When we are in front of our patient, we do not think ROSP, finally I hope that my colleagues do not think ROSP ..."

Guide the prescription to the economy or improve medical practices?

Does this sum directly influence the doctor's prescription? It can not be seen in the numbers. In 2017, however, it would have prevented more than 700,000 antibiotic treatments. For his part, Dr. Urduji sees a way to improve his practice.

This is, for example, to better detect cancer of the cervix, a criterion poorly noted at the national level, mainly because doctors are short of time, according to Dr. Urduji. A standard consultation lasting between 15 and 20 minutes, the doctor, in front of a patient coming for a specific problem, such as a fever, will not necessarily think to address the issue of prevention and detection of other infections. "Sometimes we think about it, sometimes we do not think about it It's true that, being alone in a medical office, without help, it's quite complicated, especially since the medical time is getting shorter and shorter ", laments the practitioner.

He alone performs the work of six doctors, retired without being replaced in this city. The solution would be a medical assistant. If the creation of such posts is included in the law "Ma Santé 2022", their funding is still under study at the Ministry of Health.