Teller Report

Weather forecasters told about the winter weather in February and March in Russia

1/30/2019, 12:40:55 AM

In the central regions of Russia, the winter weather will continue in February and March, scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand told the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper about this.

“Unfortunately, this year the residents of the central regions of Russia should not count on the early spring ... The fact is that in addition to the cold weather, the increase in the amount of snow cover will continue. The snowdrifts are not small now, but in two months they will grow again, ”said Vilfand.

At the same time, the weather in February and March is expected to be changeable: with periods of 15–20 degrees of frost, and thaws.

According to Wilfand, for the first time in 25 years this year, the average January temperature in the metropolitan area increased by 2.5 ° C.

Earlier, the TV channel "360" reported that for cleaning the roads in the suburbs attracted more than 1.1 thousand units of equipment per day. The height of snowdrifts in Moscow reached 52 centimeters.

In the Saratov region, the section of the highway connecting Russia and Kazakhstan was closed due to a strong snowstorm.