Teller Report

We are here to stay ... Algeria's movement stops death flights

4/14/2019, 11:10:11 AM

Salma Harraz - Algeria

"The Maranache is not a secret retreat. We are here to stay." A hymn exclaimed the Algerian youth's throats with the demonstrations of the millions who went out for the eighth straight day, holding banners proclaiming that they would not leave the country to the footnote of the resigning President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. The regularists on Europe turned their backs on February 22.

The Coast Guard moved into a makeshift holiday after their diary was made by news of the arrest of irregular migrants or the remains of their bodies, which had been spoiled by fragile, fragile boats in the Mediterranean Sea, as had been the case for 13 young men from the Ramis Hamido neighborhood in the capital.

They sailed on the death march from the shores of Annaba, 600 km east of Algiers in December. Ten of them took off off the Italian coast of Sardinia.

The 23-year-old Nazir Boschlagmi could have been given the same fate before the winds of change began with the beginning of the movement. He had long meetings with his comrades in the waterfront neighborhood of the capital in order to plan to reach the other side of the Mediterranean through the so-called " They sailed in the "no return" without him.

"The fire of sadness, which was ignited by the shock of the sinking of the youth of the neighborhood, will not be extinguished except by the departure of the entire regime. Hope has returned, we are here, they are the ones who will leave, but to the prisons, of course," he said in an interview with Al Jazeera Net.

Every Friday, the young man goes out to participate in the million-strong peace process with his fellow youth, the brothers of the victims of the tragedy of drowning, carrying pictures of the victims, whose age is 23.

Says that neither he nor anyone who sailed on the journey of death would have thought of riding a "coffin" for an unmarked grave, if he had not been so desperate and frustrated that he thought the regime was responsible.

Nazir, a technician in the installation of surveillance cameras, added that he finished his composition years ago and did not start work until recently, stressing that he will continue to come out to join the voice of millions until the last person who stole the dreams of young people leaves. Do not you think that our dreams are rights in countries that respect their people? "

The Interior Ministry announced that in the year 2018, 119 bodies had been recovered from its shores. 96 cases of missing persons were recorded due to the phenomenon of irregular migration across the sea. They sailed on boats, many of which were not seaworthy, with inadequate equipment and lacked the minimum security and safety conditions.

"We will travel but for tourism"
The idea of ​​overseas migration is no longer part of the 24-year-old Salim Hameed's agenda, which lies in the eastern suburb of Algiers, the stronghold of businessman Mohieddine Tahkout, who has been on the system since the movement began to change his plans.

Salem right and his friend Osama (Al Jazeera Net)

"There was no hope on the horizon two months ago, nothing was encouraging my generation to stay here," says Salem, an employee of the International Trade Corporation (ITC), who has not missed marches on Friday since the movement began. "The country was moving towards the unknown and the only outlet for young people like me It was behind the sea. "

And he continues that the most optimistic of his peers was not to think that life would be governed by a people who believed in the regime that his will had been robbed and was no longer an asset to his self-determination "I do not know how and when did that happen? What I know that I have become present and future here in this country, For tourism, and I will not clear the field of mobility before the end of the reign of the dreams of generations for decades, and not only for twenty years of Bouteflika's rule. "

Salem walks with his companion Oussama (professor of physical education) and they were previously separated by the idea of ​​migration and their movement, dreaming of a fair and strong state that acquires the confidence of the people and their tongue echoing the immortal verses of the late Palestinian poet Tawfik Ziad: "Here on your chest, stay like the wall and your throat like a piece of glass, And in your eyes a whirlwind of fire here .. On your chest, stay as the wall .. ".