Teller Report

Was hit by stones .. Government delegation faces protests south of Algeria

4/14/2019, 1:07:05 PM

A government delegation led by Algerian Interior Minister Salaheddine Dahmoun was forced to cut off his visit to the city of Qaradas after he faced protests in several cities in the southern state of Bashar.

The delegation was also stoned to death. Masses also protested against his visit to the cities of Taghit and al-Abadila in the same state. The visit took place amidst a large security deployment, according to videotaped recordings of social networking sites.

Algerian media broadcast recordings showing opposition groups to visit the interior minister. The demonstrators chanted slogans calling for the departure of Prime Minister Noureddine Badawi, who was appointed in his post more than a month ago by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who resigned earlier this month.

According to the same sources, the minister was unable to carry out some of the activities scheduled within his state tour. The visit was to launch projects in the region, in the first field trip for members of the new government.

In addition to Badawi, protesters are demanding the departure of the symbols of the Bouteflika regime, led by interim President Abdelkader Ben Saleh and Constitutional Council President Tayeb Belaiz.

After a day of mass demonstrations on the eighth Friday of the popular movement demanding change in Algeria, a number of Algerian judges and lawyers on Saturday organized a protest in front of the Justice Ministry to demand independence of the judiciary.

While the so-called Free Judges Club has announced that its members will not supervise the monitoring of the presidential elections organized by the current government on July 4, the National Union of Algerian Lawyers Associations has expressed its rejection of the elections.

Politically, the head of Algeria's Justice and Development Front, Abdallah Jaballah, called on the security services not to be involved in the use of violence.

Jaballah said during a meeting of his party that the army has to ditch with the people to achieve their legitimate demands.