Teller Report

Victims of § 175: Persecuted homosexuals are easier compensated

3/13/2019, 4:18:42 PM

Homosexuals persecuted in Germany for their sexual orientation can now apply for compensation more easily. These are now also possible without a final conviction.

People who have been prosecuted for their sexual orientation now have more compensation. A new guideline to the former paragraph 175 of the penal code came into force to it, communicated the Federal Ministry of Justice.

Accordingly, the Federal Office of Justice may grant compensation if it had come to a preliminary investigation or the person in custody had been in custody. So far, a final conviction and possibly a deprivation of liberty had been necessary.

Paragraph 175 of the Penal Code criminalized sexual acts between men. The Federal Republic had taken over these by the National Socialists tightened regulation and only in 1994 finally abolished. In the GDR there was a similar rule.

1500 Euro per started year U-Haft

According to the Ministry of Justice, nearly 70,000 people in East and West were sentenced after 1945 for these regulations. Many other homosexuals had been subjected to investigative measures, were in custody or had significant professional, economic or health disadvantages. They too can now apply for compensation.

"The persecution of homosexuals was a gross injustice from today's point of view, as a constitutional state we take responsibility for it today," said Federal Minister of Justice Katarina Barley. The SPD politician wished that many affected people turn to the Federal Office of Justice, in order to receive compensation, they say. "The hurdles are low, it is enough to present the persecution."

Those who were in custody can now receive compensation of 1500 euros per year started. Irrespective of this, there will be 500 euros compensation for each preliminary investigation. 1500 euros in compensation are also provided for those who suffered from exceptionally negative effects.