Teller Report

Trump told how he works a lot

2/10/2019, 7:45:29 PM

US President Donald Trump responded to media publications that he rests a lot, using the pretext of “working with documents” in his schedule. According to the head of state, he works "more hours than almost any former president."

“The media were able to get my work schedule, which was very easy to do, but it should have been covered in a positive way, not negative. When I use the term Executive Time (working with documents. - RT ), I usually work, not rest. In fact, I probably work more hours than almost any former president, ”wrote Trump on Twitter.

He noted that when he became president, there was a mess in “the country” and he had no choice but to work for many hours.

In December, the media reported that Trump intends to go to the estate of Mar-a-Lago in Florida for the Christmas holidays.