Teller Report

Trump announced the resignation of the Minister of Internal Security and the appointment of the Customs Director

4/7/2019, 11:39:33 PM

US President Donald Trump announced on Monday that Homeland Security Secretary Kersten Nielsen would "leave her post" and that the head of the Customs and Border Protection Service, Kevin McClane, would replace her.

"Homeland Security Secretary Kersten Nelson will leave her post, and I would like to thank her for her service," Trump said in a tweet on Twitter.

"I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAllen, the current Commissioner for Customs and Border Protection, will become the Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. I am confident that Kevin will do a great job."

Nielsen, 46, has been in office since December 2017. She leads a ministry responsible for implementing some of Trump's most controversial policies, such as his plan to build a wall along the Mexican border and separate children from their families.