Teller Report

Trade crisis between America and China .. Do you loose?

1/17/2019, 4:06:43 PM

China's top trade negotiator Liu Hee will travel to the United States on January 30 and 31 for talks with senior US officials on the development of the trade war between the two countries, the Commerce Ministry said Thursday.

The visit comes a month before the end of the truce in the Sino-US trade dispute, which threatens US President Donald Trump to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese products.

"They will hold negotiations on trade and economic issues and will work together to defend the implementation of the agreement," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Gao Feng, who was reached by Chinese President Xi Jinping and Donald Trump on Dec. 1.

Chinese and US negotiators at lower levels met earlier this month in Beijing.

The spokesman added that Liu will travel to the United States at the invitation of US Treasury Secretary Stephen Menuchin and Trade Representative Robert Laitheiser.

Trump and his counterpart, Xi Jinping, agreed on December 1 to a 90-day "truce" in the two-day trade war between their two countries.

If the two sides fail to reach an agreement by next March, China's import tariffs for the US market could be increased by $ 200 billion from 10 percent now to 25 percent.