Teller Report

Thierry Mariani (ex-LR) admits "two or three differences" with Marine Le Pen

1/15/2019, 2:00:48 PM

Unlike Marine Le Pen, which he joined in the European elections in May, Thierry Mariani is neither in favor of full proportional nor the recovery of the ISF.

Former Minister LR Thierry Mariani, who has joined the list of the National Rally for European elections, admitted Tuesday to have "two or three differences" with Marine Le Pen, accepted by him, including the proportional integral.

Two points of disagreement. "The intelligence of Marine Le Pen is to have taken me with two or three differences," said the former MP at Talk du Figaro . Thierry Mariani considers "excessive" to introduce a full proportional representation. "I told Marine Le Pen and she fully accepts this difference of opinion [...] You have to introduce a small proportional proportion, but the proportional integral remembers bad memories."

He also admitted a discrepancy with the RN on the ISF (Solidarity Tax on Wealth), which the far-right party wants to restore. According to him, "it was necessary first to remove all that concerned the principal residence, then to ensure a fiscal and social justice, and lastly to review what was left of the ISF".

"Changing Europe from the inside" On the other hand "on Europe there is no divergence" with the RN, according to the former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy. "There is a new deal in Europe", with the coming to power of nationalist parties, "which makes it possible to change Europe from within" without leaving the euro, he argued . The candidate said he was "very skeptical" about the big debate, saying that "the maneuver" of President Emmanuel Macron could be to propose a referendum with multiple questions "where everyone agrees" before the European, then to change the government after the election.

A defender of Bashar al-Assad. Thierry Mariani, who did not take his card at the RN, however considers that if he "stays (at the RN) for three years", the "next step", "logical", would be to join. This fervent defender of the Russian and Syrian governments has estimated that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whom he met "several times", had "won the civil war" that has ravaged his country since 2011 and "eradicated terrorism", if although France would "be obliged to meet him again".