Teller Report

The strange disappearance of Pastor Doucé: "It is unlikely that we will ever know the truth"

1/14/2019, 4:42:47 PM

Today, Christophe Hondelatte returns to a mysterious case of disappearance in 1990, concerning & nbsp; General information.


Who killed Pastor Joseph Doucé? Twenty-eight years after his death, the mystery remains. Christophe Hondelatte returns to this case, on which still hangs a question mark.

>> From 14h to 15h, it is Hondelatte tells Europe 1. Find the replay of the program of Christophe Hondelatte here

Two men and a mystery. On the evening of July 19, 1990, we rang at the home of Pastor Joseph Doucé, in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. It is his companion at the time, Guy Bondar, who tells the scene. He says he saw two men come forward, as if they were policemen and take Joseph Doucé with them. A matter of thirty minutes, at most, according to them. But Joseph Doucé will never come back. His body will finally be found three months later, in the forest of Rambouillet. According to the medical examiner, he was probably strangled.

The day after his disappearance, Guy Bondar went to the police station to explain that his companion disappeared after being taken away by police officers. We send him to graze. The lawyer of Joseph Doucé inquires from the records of the custody. No trace of the pastor, neither to the justice nor to the police. A complaint is finally filed, an open instruction. But it is ultimately by getting closer to the personality of Joseph Doucé that the case will get a new light.

Joseph Doucé and pedophilia. It is Dominique Rizet who publishes a first article in Paris Match , at the time. Joseph Douce was not a priest among others. Formed by the priests, he converted to Protestantism, that of the American Baptist churches. In Paris, he created the center of liberating Christ, which welcomes sexual minorities: gays, lesbians, transsexuals, sadomasochists, but also ... pedophiles. Joseph Doucé has also written a book on this subject: The pedophilia in question , in which he develops scabrous theses and explains wanting to decriminalize pedophilia. He even had a group of words where he welcomed pedophiles on Sunday.

The RG involved? If there is nothing concrete at the level of the investigation, the rumors, they run: Joseph Doucé knew things, he could bring down people, senior people who loved children. And he would have been silenced for these reasons. Because in his article, Dominique Rizet also reveals that the General Information (RG) had gone past Pastor Doucé for a while and closely followed the famous pedophile groups on Sunday evening. Surveillance intensified during the two months preceding his disappearance.

Under the authority of the RG, four police officers were assigned to oversee Doucé, under the supervision of Inspector Jean-Marc Dufourg. These five men are summoned and we ask Guy Bondar if one of them was present on the Saturday evening of the disappearance. He recognizes one: Jean-Marc Dufourg. But he saw it a month before, not the night of the disappearance. With another man, in June, he had come to the door of the couple. The inspector admits that he was very upset and knocked on the door in the middle of the night. But the question that arises and which interests the justice, it is to determine if these five men were able to remove Joseph Doucé ...

Non-place pronounced in 2007. The evening of the disappearance, they were well in the district, to meet an "indic", but after, one saw them elsewhere. The alibi holds. Interviewed by the investigating judge, Jean-Marc Dufourg "amuses himself": he accuses his superiors of blowing him up to wet important people in politics and television. His lawyer, Jacques Vergès, surrounds him well. The investigation does not allow him to be involved in the disappearance and death of the pastor.

In 1991, he was dismissed from the RG for another case because he fired a shot of anger into the door of an informer. His colleagues are suspended for several months. But there will be nothing more. "It is unlikely that we will know the truth one day," says Francis Zamponi, author of the book RG Listens to France from 1981 to 1997 . "For me, but it's a very personal idea, pastor Doucé was embarked to be questioned muscularly.This could have gone wrong and the body abandoned," says Francis Zamponi. The two men who came to pick up Joseph Doucé on the evening of July 19, 1990, were never found. The case has been judicially closed since October 24, 2007, and the order of non-suit signed by Judge Marc Trévidic.

>> Find below the integral of Hondelatte Raconte, "The strange disappearance of Pastor Doucé" with Francis Zamponi:

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