Teller Report

The State Duma estimated the official results of the first round of elections in Ukraine

4/7/2019, 1:24:21 PM

Vladimir Katenev, member of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, commented on the official final results of the first round of the presidential elections in Ukraine in a conversation with RT.

“No one expected such a big gap, given that there were a record number of people - 39 candidates for the presidency. Such a clear breakthrough became news for the main candidates themselves. Let's see what happens next, ”he said.

The deputy noted that the main expectation of the results of the second round of presidential elections is the normalization of relations between Russia and Ukraine.

“The choice will be made by the Ukrainian people. No matter who heads the state, it will be necessary to look for a way out of the crisis in relations between Kiev and Moscow, ”concluded Katenev.

Earlier, the Central Election Commission of Ukraine officially announced the final results of the first round of presidential elections.

Ukrainian presidential candidate Vladimir Zelensky received 5,714.34 votes (30.24%), current Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko received 3,014,609 votes (15.95%).

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