Teller Report

The State Duma appreciated the US statement on readiness for negotiations on arms control

3/5/2019, 8:37:40 AM

The Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense and Security, Yury Shvytkin, in a conversation RT commented on the statement of State Department representatives about readiness for negotiations with Russia on arms control under certain conditions.

“This statement is an attempt by the United States to once again shift the burden of responsibility for undermining the contract from its shoulders to our country, which is absolutely not true. Russia clearly states that we have not violated any provisions of the INF Treaty, unlike the United States. At the same time, they expose some conditions in order to verify our fulfillment of the contract, keeping silent about violations on our part. It looks simply naive and incomprehensible for whom it is intended, ”he said.

The deputy also noted that such a policy of double standards is contrary to the norms of international law.

“They put the blame on Russia, while they are not aware of their own responsibility for what happened. I think for the United States it was a highly unexpected decision by Russian President Vladimir Putin to suspend (Moscow’s fulfillment of obligations under the INF Treaty. - RT ). All proposals developed by us are under consideration. The way the United States will react to them will be a litmus test of understanding responsibility for fate on the continent from the United States, ”Shvytkin concluded.

Earlier in the United States stated that they are ready to negotiate with Russia on the issue of arms control, but under certain conditions.

As noted in the State Department, Washington is committed to effective arms control, which contributes to the security of the United States and its allies.

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