Teller Report

The State Department commented on the resignation of Nazarbayev

3/21/2019, 3:41:39 AM

A representative of the US Department of State, in an interview with TASS, commented on the statement of Nursultan Nazarbayev, who announced his resignation from the post of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“There is strong bilateral relations between the United States and Kazakhstan, as was demonstrated at last year’s historic meeting between President Trump and President Nazarbayev, and we expect this momentum to be maintained,” the agency’s official said.

According to her, Washington is set to continue cooperation with Astana on a wide range of issues.

Earlier, Nazarbayev signed a decree on the termination of office as president of the republic. Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev has been appointed acting head of state.

In turn, the head of the international committee of the Federation Council, Konstantin Kosachev, assessed the likelihood of a change in Kazakhstan’s policy after Nazarbayev’s resignation.

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