Teller Report

The Russian national team led the match for the hockey bronze at the 265th second

1/5/2019, 9:30:37 PM

The Russian national hockey team for players under the age of 20 opened the scoring in the match for the third place in the youth world championship with the Swiss national team in the fifth minute of the meeting.

From the programs of Ivan Morozov and Ilya Morozov, striker Kirill Slepets distinguished himself, having thrown the puck after a series of deceptive feints between the guards of the opponent's goalkeeper.

Kirill Slepets walks for the goal! It's 1-0 Russia. # / jmVbumIolK

- TSN (@TSN_Sports) January 5, 2019

Earlier, the president of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF), Rene Fasel, said that from 2022 the organization plans to hold major tournaments in small venues.

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