Teller Report

The expert appreciated the statement of the Israeli Foreign Ministry on the document on the Golan

3/24/2019, 4:38:22 PM

An expert from the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a political analyst Konstantin Blokhin, commented on the RT report of the Israeli Foreign Ministry that US President Donald Trump will sign a document recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights on March 25, Monday.

“I think that this move by Trump towards Israel is dictated by the fact that Trump wants to increase support for the influential Israeli lobby in the United States. It can be said that he himself is part of this lobby. Trump apparently wants to prick Obama or at least his legacy once again, ”Blokhin said.

He added that the ties between the USA and Israel have intensified, and Trump is trying to help Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to increase his political rating before the elections.

“Trump himself relies on the current government. I think this (decision to sign. - RT ) will cause a domino effect. Almost every state has territorial problems. This, of course, will hit world stability, will cause another tension, ”the expert explained.

Blokhin noted that for Trump the world is turning into “uncompromising jungles, where every man for himself”.

Earlier, AFP, citing Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, reported that Trump will sign a document recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights on March 25, Monday.

On March 21, the US president announced that the time had come to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Subsequently, the EU recalled that they did not recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel. In addition, the French Foreign Ministry stressed that the implementation of the Trump initiative would be contrary to international law.

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