Teller Report

Sudan's "Freedom and Change" calls for the immediate surrender of power to a civilian transitional government

4/14/2019, 10:12:29 PM

A statement by the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change on the meeting of the People's Armed Forces Command was issued last night by the delegation of the representative of the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change. The Transitional Military Council demanded a series of urgent steps,

The Transitional Military Council demanded a series of urgent steps, including the immediate handover of power to a civilian transitional government under the protection of the army, While the Council abolished laws restricting freedoms, and declared that he supports the appointment of the "independent" prime minister, and asked the political forces to submit proposals for the stage within seven days.

"We have received many observations about the lack of representation of the Liaison Delegation led by the Armed People's Forces (PFLP) in the balanced representation of Sudan's regions and women and the different configurations of the revolution that reflect the unique diversity of our country. These are correct observations that we apologize for and we promise to correct all of this immediately. It is your revolution and you are the people concerned first and foremost, and we do not criticize, but express your hopes and ambitions, and strive to be as much of this responsibility as we can.

The statement continued: «A delegation of the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change, Saturday, the leadership of the People's Armed Forces, the delegation heard clarification about the steps taken by the military. The organizers of the forces of freedom and change presented their vision of the urgent steps in order to enhance confidence between the parties.

According to the text of the statement, the urgent steps mentioned are:

1- The vision of the masses of the Sudanese people that we adopt in the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change is the full implementation of the Declaration of Freedom and Change. First of all, the handover of power to a transitional civil government through the forces of freedom and change to run the country for four years under the protection of the Armed Forces .

2. The issues of ending war and peace-building are a top priority in the issues of transition. It is essential that armed struggle forces participate in full transition arrangements to avoid repeating past experiences of the country, addressing issues of radical marginalization and addressing past grievances and abuses through transitional justice mechanisms.

3. Dissolution of the National Convention and the devolution of its property to the State.

4. Dissolution of the security apparatus and the solution of the Popular Defense and the militias of the National Conference.

5. Clarifying the names of the detainees and their places of detention.

6 - Elimination of the control of the National Conference on the security services.

7 - the need to restructure and reform the judicial institutions, and reform the civil service and ensure the nationality and neutrality.

8. The need to reform the economic institutions of the state and free them from the state's deep control.

9. Abolish all laws restricting freedoms and removing all legal regulations and frameworks devoted to the oppression of women, with a view to preparing for comprehensive legal reform.

10. The need to release all prisoners, detainees and political prisoners, including all officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who defended the revolution.

The forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change pledged to hand over the leadership of the armed people's forces with a detailed vision of the transition arrangements and promised the army leadership to carry out the tasks related to the disposition of the property of the national conference of the state, the release of detainees and the abolition of all laws restricting freedoms.

"We will deliver our vision to lead the armed forces of the people to be implemented, and our unity and courageous sit-ins are the guarantor to carry out the will of the people," the statement concluded.

On the other hand, said a member of the Transitional Military Council ruling, yesterday, that the Council supports the appointment of an "independent" head of government «civilian».

"We want a civil state based on freedom, justice and democracy," Council member Yasser al-Atta told the Sudanese parties. We want to agree on an independent personality to head the ministry and agree on a civilian government. "

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a statement carrying a message from the Transitional Military Council to the international community, in which he stressed his objectives during the transitional period, primarily "the establishment of civil rule" within two years.

"The Council affirmed its full commitment to the establishment of a just civil government and the handover of power to a civilian government formed by the people within a maximum period of two years," the statement said.

"The role of the transitional military council during this period will be limited to emphasizing the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, providing and maintaining security and tranquility, spreading the spirit of equality and tolerance, and creating the political atmosphere for all components of society to build and form parties and civil society organizations that lead to the peaceful transfer of power."

"The military council will sponsor dialogue between all sectors of civil society, and will represent the sovereignty of the state, while it will form a civil government agreed by all," according to the statement.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry also affirmed Sudan's commitment to all local, regional and international treaties, covenants and agreements, and keenness on good-neighborly relations and balanced international relations that take into account Sudan's supreme interests and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry expressed its aspiration to "understand and support the international community for the sincere efforts of the Transitional Military Council and the Sudanese political and civil forces to achieve the wishes of the Sudanese people in a complete democratic transformation, building the state of institutions and achieving balanced and just development."

Since President Abdel Fattah El-Burhan took over the presidency of the Transitional Military Council, he announced the abolition of the night curfew and the release of all detainees under the state of emergency imposed by al-Bashir before his removal.

The president of the transitional military junta in Sudan has pledged to form a civilian government and to eradicate Bashir's regime and symbols. In his first speech, al-Burhan also announced that a military council would be formed to represent the sovereignty of the state, as well as a representative civil government.

Informed sources said the ban was lifted on all journalists and journalists who were banned from working in Sudan during the period of protests, which began in December 2018 and led to the dismissal of Bashir.

The deputy head of the Sudanese Transitional Military Council (TCCC), the acting US embassy in Khartoum, Stephen Kotsis, briefed the Security Council on the security situation.

Koatsis met with Vice President of the Transitional Military Council, General Mohammad Hamdan Diklu, nicknamed "Hamidati" at the presidential palace in Khartoum.

The Sudanese news agency said that Daklu briefed the American charge d'affaires about the current situation in the country and the reasons for the formation of the military council, and broadcast state television footage of the meeting.

The agency said that Daklu informed the US representative of the measures taken by the Transitional Military Council to maintain security and stability in the country.

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