Teller Report

Stuck in Mount Jess and Wadi El-Bayh The rainwater surrounded us for 17 hours

4/14/2019, 11:30:48 AM

People stranded on the Jabal Jis road and others trapped in Wadi al-Bayh in Ras al-Khaimah from Arab and Asian citizens and nationalities told Emirates Al-Youm that they were stuck in mountainous and valleys for more than 17 hours with the onset of heavy rains yesterday afternoon,

People stranded on the Jabal Jiss road and others trapped in Wadi al-Bayh in Ras Al Khaimah from Arab and Asian citizens and nationalities told Emirates Al-Youm that they had been stuck in mountainous areas and valleys for more than 17 hours with the onset of heavy rains yesterday afternoon, During the early morning hours of the morning.

They said they went to mountainous areas and valleys to enjoy the rain, valleys and low temperatures, but did not expect to be trapped by the heavy rainfall in the mountainous areas and the valleys were crossing their way back for long hours, pointing out that the local emergency and crisis management team entered the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah at the right time. In maintaining their safety and the safety of their children.

The Ras Al Khaimah police had asked those stranded in the mountain areas and valleys not to leave their places until the arrival of the competent authorities and provide support for their evacuation to the safe places, where they were assisted by sending food and drinking water to those trapped in mountainous areas in order to save them as the situation stabilized. In addition to the construction of a temporary road and the closure of the Wadi Al-Bayh area temporarily and opening a road to the vehicles on the other side of the valley where they were safely transported to Al-Bar area.

The resident Radish Kumar (Indian nationality) said that he went with his family to enjoy the rainy weather on the road to Mount Jess before the heavy rain yesterday afternoon, and he was surprised upon arrival with four members of his family by heavy rains in a short time and tried to return by boat to the city of Ras Al Khaimah However, the flow of valleys closed the main road.

He explained that he remained with his family in the vehicle waiting for the rain to stop, but the situation was getting worse, he pointed out that as the time approached, Morocco continued with the concerned parties, which in turn advised him to guide him to maintain his safety and the safety of his family and asked him to stay in place until the arrival of the authorities Concerned him.

He added that the concerned parties sent food and drinking water to all the stranded and was assured of our safety and transport through helicopters early in the day to secure areas.

The citizen Khamis Abdullah said that he went with his friends to listen to the good rains and watch the flow of Wadi Al-Bayh and take some pictures. He said that their plan was to return to the city of Ras Al-Khaimah before Morocco in the hope that the level of the valley will decrease and less rainfall. Where heavy rainfall increased, leading to the rise of the valley and the flow of the force, which led to the collapse of the road to Al-Rayes Valley.

He explained that all the vehicles that were on the other side of the valley were suspended between the heavy rain and the course of the valley. Traffic patrols and Ras al-Khaimah police were present for the site and instructed the people not to approach the course of the valley or try to cut it in order to preserve public safety.

He added that he spent the night with his friends next to Wadi al-Bayh until the concerned authorities opened the road and drove them out at the beginning of the morning, where the concerned authorities of Ras Al Khaimah made great efforts to keep their safety safe from the valley.

The resident Abu Raed said that he spent more than 15 hours stuck in Jabal Jis after Wadi al-Bayh swept the main road of the vehicles because of the strength of the flow of the valley. He pointed out that he tried to cross the valley with the onset of heavy rain but that the high level of water prevented him from adventure And beyond the course of the valley.

He pointed out that he spent the night accompanied by a large number of stranded in the place, and continued that the efforts of the police were large and reassuring to all those trapped, where the assistance was provided to all of the meals and drinking water and was maintained safe safety.

He explained that we were rescued and taken out of the valley smartly by the police, where the closure of the valley and the construction of a temporary road to cross all vehicles in record time and short before the rise of the valley and drowning vehicles crossing the road.

Ras Al Khaimah Police Chief General Ali Abdullah Bin Alwan Al Nuaimi said that the team, in cooperation with all concerned authorities in the emirate and rescue teams in the Abu Dhabi and Dubai police, rescued about 570 people who were stuck in the high Mountains and valleys yesterday during the heavy rains and flood of valleys and were transferred to safe places and provide medical support and food for them, as the team flew the police of Ras Al Khaimah transferred about 170 people were stuck in the mountains, and the output of 400 others were trapped in the valleys, where They were transferred to the Es Let's be sure of their safety, pointing out that the efforts are ongoing and efforts continue until the end of the weather conditions experienced by the emirate.