Teller Report

Sports: towards African Paralympic Games in 2020 in Morocco

1/1/2019, 12:42:40 PM

The first ever African Paralympic Games (JPA) in history are scheduled to start in January 2020; Rabat, said & oacute; & Agrave; the Committee & oacute; African Paralympic Movement (APC). The APC and the Authorities ...

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The Rabat Stadium, future theater of the first African Paralympic Games in history? Wikimedia Commons / KSKB1935

The first ever African Paralympic Games (JPA) in history are scheduled to take place in Rabat in January 2020, the African Paralympic Committee (APC) told The APC and the Moroccan authorities must sign a memorandum of understanding, probably in January 2019.

Morocco will he organize the first ever African Paralympic Games (JPA) in history? It is on track, according to Hamid El Aouni, President of the Royal Moroccan Federation of Sports for the Disabled (FRMSPH) and 1st Vice President of the African Paralympic Committee (APC).

" We have tabled a memorandum of understanding (with the Moroccan authorities, Editor's note) for study ," he told Probably, within 15 days, it will be signed by the Minister of Youth and Sports and the President of the African Paralympic Committee .

In January 2020 in Rabat?

The two parties had already mentioned this eventuality, at the end of October 2018 in Algiers, during a meeting of the continent's sports ministers, organized by the African Union. Since then, the contacts have been maintained and the outlines of the organization have become clearer.

This historic event for sport in general and disabled sport in particular should probably take place in Rabat in January 2020. Seven disciplines are currently on the agenda of the 2020 African Paralympic Games: athletics, wheelchair basketball, blind football, goalball , weightlifting, para-taekwondo, sitting volleyball. It remains to be seen whether these events will qualify for the Tokyo Paralympic Games (August 25 to September 6, 2020).

A few months after the 2019 African Games

The Kingdom of Morocco will therefore organize a second major sports meeting in a row, if the Moroccan Minister of Youth and Sport, Rachid Talbi El Alami, and APC boss Angolan Leonel da Rocha Pinto, sign an agreement in the days to come. Morocco is indeed supposed to host the 2019 All Africa Games from August 23rd to September 3rd, in Casablanca, Rabat and Khemisset.

In previous editions of the African Games, competitions for disabled sports were held. But the creation of clean African Paralympic Games had been under discussion for several years.