Teller Report

Spanish elections .. What causes the sweeping victory of socialists?

5/1/2019, 6:19:26 PM

Ajaj-Madrid safe

The Socialist Party leader Pedro Sanchez rejoiced in the hearts of his supporters by winning a big electoral victory on Sunday night after the successive defeats that swept the Socialists 11 years ago after they came out of power because of resentment of their handling of the economic crisis.

Prior to the elections, the Socialists were in power, having removed the conservative People's Party government following a vote of confidence they had presented to parliament against the government and won majority support.

The vote was aimed at excluding conservatives from power after a financial corruption scandal they did not try to deal with. The judiciary sentenced them to use the corruption to fund their party illegally.

Sanchez's opponents in parliament were scorned by the fact that he did not win a popular election. He came to the premiership from the back door through a vote of confidence in parliament. He was told that he had the support of the majority of the people's representatives in parliament.

Sanchez during an election rally in Madrid (Anatolia)

The 10 months of Sanchez's socialist government were marked by his tireless efforts to alleviate the suffering of the citizens from the economic crisis and to find a solution to the Catalan crisis through dialogue with the ruling national parties in that region who supported him to reach the government.

Reasons for rejection
The reason for their rejection of their support was their failure to comply with their demands for a referendum on self-determination in Catalonia and the release of the leaders of those parties tried by the Spanish Supreme Court on charges of rebellion for organizing an illegal referendum in Catalonia for self-determination and secession in October 2017, And the provisions of the Spanish Constitution.

For these reasons, Sanchez called for these early elections. His social policies - his tendency to moderation, the primacy of politics and dialogue to resolve the Catalan crisis - were widely supported by the election victory, according to many Spanish political analysts.

In contrast, the conservative Popular Party was the biggest loser after losing more than half of its seats in the parliament, which analysts favor to resort to hardline rhetoric to try to attract voters for the far-right "Fox" party.

Labor rally in Madrid (Getty Images)

But the right-wingers did not find in the New Popular Party speech what they liked and preferred to elect Fox. Supporters of moderation in the right wing have voted for the liberal "Theodadanos" party after this emergency on the behavior of the Popular Party, observers said.

Theododanos benefited from this situation, raising his representation in parliament by 80% compared to the last legislative period, and ranked third among the largest parliamentary parties and extracted from the hands of the leftist party "Pudimos" popular, and became "Theodadanos" competing with the Popular Party leadership of the right Spaniard.

Pudemus is a retreat among voters on the left to internal differences in the leadership of his party, which led to the overthrow of a number of its historic leaders, in addition to contradicting the speech of its leaders.

While party leader Pablo Iglesias says he defends the poor and the marginalized, he did not find it hard to buy a luxury home in the most prestigious suburbs of Madrid, where wealthy families live.

Leaders of the Pudimos Party (Getty Images)

Many supporters of Pudemos said their vote would be more useful if they supported the Socialist Party in the face of the right, whose parties allied after December's regional elections in Andalusia to topple the Socialist Party government that has run the region since the country's democracy began.

"Fox" surprise
The far-right party, Fox, was surprised to enter parliament for the first time since the start of democracy, but its leaders were disappointed after polls suggested they could win 60 seats but could not exceed 24 seats.

Diego Lopez Garrido, the former EU minister of state, believes that the most viable option for the Socialist Party now - after a significant increase in its seats in the parliament - is to continue to form a single-party minority government, to conclude a new legislative term with Pudemus and other smaller To an understanding with the Socialist Party and its government.

Garrido: Walking on this line of governance can bring stability to the next government (the island)

He explained to Al-Jazeera Net that this will contribute to the new government as soon as possible to the confidence of Parliament, and in terms of governance, the Socialists will have to engage with all the parties of parliament, because this will allow the achievement of broad consensus, especially on issues of outstanding issues at the state level of Such as combating terrorism, autonomy in the territories or Spain's policy within the European Union.

Garrido believes that walking on this line of government could bring stability to the next government, which would not need direct support from the Catalan or Basque nationalist parties demanding independence. It would allow the government to move within a constitutional, pro-European and supportive of social policy, Socialist Party policies, as he put it.

With regard to the large decline of the Popular Party in the elections, the former official stressed that the Popular Party is very important "and should not be considered this defeat the beginning of the collapse, it is a widespread party in Spain."

Error selecting
He pointed out that the party "completely erred in the choice of strategy" and that the mistake began since the former prime minister and popular leader Mariano Rajoy resigned after a ruling against his party in a corruption scandal, which led to the fall of his government in a vote of confidence in parliament.

He added that the new leader of the Popular Party Pablo Cassado also made a mistake when he built all his strategy in the campaign on the grounds that the Socialist Party "is not in favor of the Constitution and must be removed from the government because it agrees with the national parties in favor of independence from Spain on things he can not disclose, which is not True "because the Spaniards do not see the Socialist Party pursuing a policy aimed at destroying Spain.

New leader of the Popular Party Pablo Cassado (Getty Images)

Garrido explained that the second major mistake of this conservative party is to consider that "an essential part of the structure of his presumed future government must be with Fox party, which belongs to the extreme right clearly."

It is proposed that there be possession of weapons in all homes and the abolition of laws against violence against women and against European unity, stressing that this speech was not absorbed by the Spaniards and that collapsed the results of the popular party in the elections.

Garido stressed that the entry of a far-right party such as Fox to the parliament is a matter of great concern. "It is a populist party that was one of its first preachers, Marin Le Pen, and will move if it wins seats in the European Parliament elections within the anti-union European Union. "

It is therefore very worrying that this party will be found within the Spanish Parliament and that it will be able to form a large parliamentary group within the legislature, although it has fewer seats than anticipated.

The far-right party "Fox" achieved a surprise entry to parliament for the first time since the beginning of the era of democracy (Reuters)

The Spanish politician stressed that the entry of the extreme right to democratic institutions is the biggest challenge to the European left-center parties.

"A few days ago, a seminar in Berlin was attended by research centers belonging to the Progressive Left Movement in Europe to discuss how to stop the progress of the extreme right and the populist parties in Europe and to restore the political influence of the center-left parties and progressive democratic socialism in favor of European unity."

More harmony
The spokesman believes that there should be more harmony between these parties at the European level, because there are parties that say in a country contrary to what their counterparts say in other countries, "there must be a coordination in certain policies between these parties and prove to European citizens That it is possible to get out of the major economic crisis in which we put in place the lack of US financial controls years ago, and progress in European unity. "

The first page of the newspaper "Albais" after the announcement of the election results (Anatolia)

He stressed that the European Left must refute the proposals of the extreme right, which is completely simplistic, and is based on the fact that European citizens have not seen an appropriate answer to the major economic crisis at the supra-national level of the European Union.

He said that they decided to return to the "womb of the motherland", believing that any single country could respond to major challenges such as climate change, cross-border terrorism or economic globalization, stressing that the solution lies in achieving greater European unity, calling on Spain to play a role A pioneer in this regard.