Teller Report

Spain: Two-year falls in more than one hundred meters deep hole

1/14/2019, 7:12:58 PM

In Spain, a toddler has fallen into a mere 25 centimeters wide, 110 meters deep hole. The earth hole is damp and cold, the rescuers are fighting against time.

In southern Spain, a two-year-old boy fell into a borehole. With a large contingent forces try to find the boy and pull out of the only 25 centimeters wide shaft, report Spanish media. So far, only a bag of sweets has been found, which has carried the little one, said the government delegate in Malaga, María Gámez, the transmitter Antena 3.

The rescue operation is difficult: In the hole it is humid and cold, also no one is technically prepared for an operation "in such a tight hole", said Gámez. Attempts to locate the missing person with two cameras lowered into the shaft have so far failed. It is now reportedly trying to drill a second shaft parallel to the existing hole to reach the boy in depth.


Borehole in the province of Málaga

Totalán is located in a mountainous region in southern Spain, in the province of Málaga. The two-year-old, according to his family, fell into the hole Sunday while his parents picnicked nearby. The parents were "devastated," said the spokeswoman for the emergency service in the Andalusia region, Elena Trigo. The search will not end until the boy is found.

The shaft was created according to local media in December during an exploratory drilling. According to first findings, the hole was not secured.

The rescue operation made headlines nationwide. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez expressed his condolences to the family via Twitter and called on them not to give up hope.

Comparto la angustia de la familia del pequeño de dos años que ha caído en un pozo en # Totalán # Malaga.
Todo mi apoyo a los padres ya los equipos de emergencias que están participando en el rescate. Mantengamos la esperanza en el mejor desenlace.

- Pedro Sánchez (@sanchezcastejon) January 13, 2019