Teller Report

Social Democratic Party won elections in Finland

4/14/2019, 10:27:26 PM

The Social Democratic Party wins the elections in Finland, gaining 17.7% of the vote, according to the results of counting 100% of the ballots. This is evidenced by data from the Ministry of Justice of the country.

The second place according to the results of the voting was taken by the “True Finns” with 17.5% of the votes, the National Coalition Party ranked third with 17%.

As noted by TASS, for the first time in the history of Finland at the parliamentary elections, none of the parties won 20% of the vote, and the three leading parties were located close to each other.

It is expected that the final official results of the parliamentary elections will be published on April 17, after approval of the results in each electoral district.

Earlier it was reported on the leading positions of the Social Democrats in the Finnish parliamentary elections after counting 90% of the vote.

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