Teller Report

Snowden commented on the arrest of Assange

4/11/2019, 11:12:40 AM

Former CIA and NSA officer Edward Snowden commented on the detention in London of the founder and former chief editor of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange.

“The cadres of how the Ecuadorian ambassador invites the UK secret police to the embassy to bring the publisher - whether you like it or not - of the award-winning materials from the embassy building, will be included in history books. Critics of Assange may rejoice, but this is a black moment for freedom of the press, ”wrote Snowden on Twitter.

So Snowden commented on the footage of the Ruptly video agency, which aired Assange's detention.

On April 11, the President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, declared that Assange was denied the granting of diplomatic asylum.

Scotland Yard reported that he had detained Assange and brought him to the police station.

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