Teller Report

Russian Interior Ministry has reduced the list of dangerous breeds of dogs

3/21/2019, 8:15:29 PM

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has decided to reduce to 13 points the list of dog breeds whose walking will be banned without muzzles and leashes.

Interfax informs about this with reference to Interior Ministry representative Alexei Bezzubov.

“The updated list was based on proposals from the executive, including proposals from the Russian Cynological Federation,” he said.

According to him, out of 69 initial points in the list, 13 are left.

Among the dangerous breeds left are Akbash, American Bandog, Ambuldog, Brazilian Bulldog, Bull Kuta, Alapaha Purebred Bulldog, Bandog, Wolf Dog Hybrids, Wolf Men, Gul Doges, Pit Bull Mastiffs and North Caucasian Dogs.

Earlier, State Duma deputy Alexander Sherin, in an interview with FAN, proposed introducing permission for the maintenance of "fighting" dogs.