Teller Report

Russia justifies sending men and equipment to Caracas

3/26/2019, 10:05:37 PM

After Washington, it is the turn of Juan Guaido, leader of the opposition in Venezuela, to denounce the presence of Russian military in Caracas. This presence constitutes a "violation of the Constitution" has declared Juan Guaido, ...

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The spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on March 29, 2018 in Moscow. Yuri KADOBNOV / AFP

After Washington, it is the turn of Juan Guaido, leader of the opposition in Venezuela, to denounce the presence of Russian military in Caracas. This presence constitutes a " violation of the Constitution ", said Juan Guaido, who proclaimed himself President of the country last January, and who is supported by Washington. In Moscow, one defends oneself from wanting to fan the tensions in Venezuela and the Russian authorities justified the sending of men and equipment to Caracas.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Daniel Vallot

This is a very strong statement by the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry: " Russia is strengthening its cooperation with Venezuela, explains Maria Zakharova , and it is doing so in the very strict framework of the Constitution and the law " .

To justify the arrival in Caracas of two Russian planes carrying equipment, and dozens of soldiers, the diplomat mentions the military cooperation agreements concluded with Venezuela in the early 2000s, and adds that this cooperation does not require any " further approval "by the Venezuelan Parliament. A thinly veiled response to the criticism of Juan Guaido, who accuses Nicolas Maduro of violating the Constitution by inviting foreign military without the consent of his Parliament.

Russia justifies herself, and she therefore assumes the sending of this material, and of these men. Accused by Washington of "fueling tensions" in Venezuela, she responds by saying that it is the United States who seek to provoke a coup in Caracas.

For Moscow, this new verbal battle with Washington is also a way to mark, once again, his support for Nicolas Maduro, in the standoff between him and Juan Guaido his American ally.