Teller Report

Response to Parkland: teachers in Florida are allowed into the classroom armed

5/1/2019, 7:31:55 PM

US President Trump had voted in favor of the new law: teachers in Florida may now carry weapons during class. Gunmen could be stopped faster.

Florida has passed a law that allows teachers to carry weapons in the classroom. The law is part of the US-wide "Guardian program" and a response to the rampage of former student Nikolas Cruz in Parkland. In February 2018, he killed 17 people and injured 17 others. Teachers are supposed to make another massacre less likely.

Florida's House of Representatives voted 65 to 47 votes for the bill after hours of debate. A Republican majority prevented democratic efforts to change the measure. Now only the Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has to sign the bill.

School districts wishing to participate in the voluntary Guardian program can use it to arm teachers in the future. For this, the educators have to participate in a 144-hour training course. Already in 40 of Florida's 67 districts, school staff enrolled for the course or at least planned it, said a speaker of the Speaker of Parliament.

Donald Trump advocates weapons law

US President Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association (NRA) supported the law: An armed teacher is the best defense against gunmen.

Opponents of the law warned against the danger that a teacher could meet another student in an emergency situation or that the police could hold an armed teacher for the attacker. In addition, further force of arms is not a solution.

After the Parkland killing spree, it has already been decided that at least one armed or law enforcement officer must be placed on a Florida campus or campus. In addition, there was a three-day wait and a new age limit of 18 to 21 years for the purchase of guns.

Among the driving forces behind the new law is Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense, which is funded by billionaire and former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg. According to the organization, shootings would break out faster than law enforcement agencies could react.

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