Teller Report

Putin discussed with the head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory the development of the transport system

3/2/2019, 3:34:43 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the Krasnoyarsk Territory Governor Alexander Uss the development of the regional center's transport system, including the construction of new metro stations with unmanned trains.

It is reported RIA Novosti.

As the head of state noted, it is necessary to connect the metro, high-speed tram and electric trains “into a single complex”.

At the same time, Uss showed Putin a scheme for a new public transport network project, which also provides for the construction of five more metro stations under the center of Krasnoyarsk.

He added that the authorities are also studying the possibility of applying new technical solutions that have not been tested in Russia, including the three-car coupling.

In July 2018, as the TV channel 360 reported, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov and Uss discussed the situation with the construction of the metro in Krasnoyarsk.