Teller Report

Protests in Greece: Police with batons against teachers

1/17/2019, 4:10:16 PM

In Athens, thousands of teachers have protested against the government's austerity program. As the demonstrators approached the government district, the security forces cracked down.

Banners and chants on one side, batons and tear gas on the other: In Athens, teachers have gone to the streets for their permanent employment. The officials wanted to penetrate the parliament and the government district of Athens, on Greek television was to see how the Greek police at times with batons and tear gas against the demonstrators proceeded.

Previously, several thousand teachers had demonstrated for hours in the center of Athens. They turn against the austerity policies of the left-wing government under Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, which hits hard especially officials.

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Greece: With batons against teachers

Because of the harsh austerity programs, hardly any teachers have been permanently employed in the past ten years. According to the union of elementary and high school teachers, there is a lack of teachers in the entire Greek school system. In addition, they would be poorly paid, they said.

The teachers called for their immediate employment after several years of temporary employment. All state schools remained closed on Thursday. The union of state employees also went out of solidarity with the teachers. Most authorities remained closed.