Teller Report

Peaceful demonstrations and tear gas: how protests of "yellow vests" took place in France

3/2/2019, 7:35:11 PM

On Saturday, March 2, tens of thousands of people took to the streets of French cities as part of the “yellow vests” protest actions. According to the official statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 39.5 thousand activists took part in the demonstrations, but the organizers of the protests say at least 92 thousand people. Shares generally took place in a peaceful manner, but some of them escalated into clashes between protesters and the police. In a number of cases, law enforcement agencies used tear gas. However, the deputy of the National Assembly, Loic Prudhomme, said that the policeman had hit him when he peacefully left the “yellow vests” event in Bordeaux. This case of violence has already been condemned by a number of French politicians.

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