Teller Report

On the impact of the "million" .. The forces of change recognizes the military draft constitutional declaration

5/2/2019, 2:13:56 PM

Thousands of protesters marched in front of the headquarters of the Sudanese army in Khartoum in response to calls by "civil authority millionaires." A delegation from the Freedom and Change Declaration met with the Transitional Military Council to deliver their vision for the constitutional declaration.

The gathering of Sudanese professionals, the most important component of the forces of freedom and change, said in a press statement that the vision of the constitutional declaration, which fully defines the nature and levels of the transitional period, is now being delivered.

The forces of freedom and change noted that they are currently focusing on the nature and levels of the authorities, not on the representation of civilians and military personnel in the proposed sovereign council.

The forces confirmed that what is reported by some newspapers and media channels on the agreement on a president or vice-president of the sovereign council is completely untrue.

The atmosphere was strained between the forces of freedom and change and the Transitional Military Council after the parties reached a preliminary understanding to define the features of the transitional period. Some representatives of the forces of freedom and change said that the Council was not serious about handing over power and that his speech was provocative to the protesters, while the Council stressed that it will not allow chaos in the street and that patience is a border.

The two sides differed on the percentage of representation in a proposed sovereign council. The military council saw a formation of seven soldiers and three civilians headed by the head of the military council, General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan, while the forces of freedom and change demanded that the council prevail over the civilians.

The transitional military junta was formed after the army removed Omar al-Bashir from the presidency on April 11 after 30 years in power under months of popular protests. Since April 6, thousands have gathered in front of the army headquarters.

The Forces for Freedom and Change are demanding a civilian presidential council to carry out sovereign functions during the interim period, a civilian legislature and a small civilian cabinet of national competencies to perform executive functions.

The forces of freedom and change called on the masses of the Sudanese people to participate in the "millionth processions" today to demand the transfer of power to civilians, and to reject any attempt to establish another military regime in the country.

The march began from professional and student sectors through the Facebook gathering of professionals, as well as cities and areas in Central Sudan, close to the capital.