Teller Report

Normalization with Assad's regime is a crime

1/3/2019, 10:58:08 AM

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After a meeting between Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and the head of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad, a few days later, both the emirates and Bahrain announced the reopening of their embassies in Damascus, a move which most Syrians see as the first official visit by an Arab president to Syria. Came to re-float the Assad regime and lift the Arab isolation from it, contrary to what their official story says.

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that this step came to underscore the keenness of the UAE government to restore relations between the two brotherly countries to normal course in order to strengthen and do the Arab role in supporting the independence and sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic and its territorial integrity. According to the statement.

Analysts say the return to Damascus was aimed at curbing the Iranian tide in Syria, and what the embassies have to do with the expulsion of foreign sectarian militias from Syria. Most Syrians question that, as observers see the opening of the UAE embassy in Damascus as part of a rapprochement with the Assad regime, Iran's main ally. The UAE is waging a fierce war in Yemen under the pretext of putting an end to Iranian influence and it is boycotting Qatar and besieging it on charges of rapprochement with Iran!

Arab governments ignore Syrians' blood

Victory is not measured by liberating a piece of land, but liberating hearts from fear and having the courage to say no in the face of injustice and tyranny, so the Syrian revolution has won since its early days and continues until the liberation of the land and human

After the killing of more than half a million Syrians by Assad's sectarian forces by the bombing of towns and villages liberated by explosive barrels, space rockets and poisonous gases. After the displacement and asylum of more than 10 million Syrians around the world, the UAE, Jordan and Tunisia return to open the commercial and civil borders with the Assad regime , And pictures of the dictator inside Tunis airport.

After all the massacres committed against the Syrian people from the killing and displacement of women, children and the elderly on a strictly sectarian basis, both Iraq, Egypt and Lebanon demand the re-activation of the membership of the Assad government frozen in the Arab League. Is it conceivable that the Arab nihwa has become a past or a betrayal of the rulers of innocent blood , Does it make sense that the Arab people are immortal in their deep sleep or are satisfied with the actions of their superiors?

The curse of the lion hits his visitors

Thousands of Sudanese greeted President Omar al-Bashir in angry demonstrations on his arrival in Khartoum, returning from Damascus to protest against the economic situation and poor living conditions in the country. Many currents have called for al-Bashir to step down and many have seen that Sudan is witnessing a real revolution of regime change. That the Syrians had another opinion and describe what Sudan is now living is nothing but the curse of the injuries of its president after his sudden visit to the lion.

In the same context and within the curse of Assad, the Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagoliya died after his convoy suffered a car accident on his way from Sochi airport to his Russian republic Abkhazia after his return from Damascus, where he met with the President of the Syrian regime Bashar al-Assad, so the curse of Assad hit all those visited him in Damascus , Where the Syrians see that they are only letters heavenly warning to anyone who begs himself to be assimilated with the Assad regime.

It is true that the spheres of influence have changed rapidly on the ground and the revolution has receded in many areas in favor of the Assad regime thanks to the help of the evil forces of him, which is represented by many international bodies, but it is impossible for the sons of revolution


The revolution won and was not defeated

In spite of all the humiliation suffered by the revolution of the Syrians from near to long ago, their sons are still steadfast in the face of tyranny fighting the forces of evil controlling their land raped and all of them are confident that God Nsahm they are leaning on the victory is measured by liberating a piece of land but liberating the hearts of fear and the courage to In the face of injustice and tyranny, the Syrian revolution has been victorious since its early days, and it continues to liberate the land and the people.

It is true that the spheres of influence have changed rapidly on the ground and the revolution has receded in many areas in favor of the Assad regime, thanks to the help of the evil forces of many international bodies, but it is impossible for the children of the revolution to surrender after all this heavy price for their freedom even if the countries of the world open their embassies in Damascus . The equation is simple. We will not give up. We win or die.