Teller Report

Nathalie Loiseau criticized after announcing her participation in a Mass

4/14/2019, 6:00:31 PM

In a program sent to the press for his trip to Reunion Island, the head of the European LREM list announced his presence at a mass on Sunday. Insubordinate France denounced an attack on secularism. & Nbsp;

In a program sent to the press for his trip to Reunion Island, the head of the European LREM list announced his presence at a mass on Sunday. Insubordinate France denounced an attack on secularism.

Nathalie Loiseau's program has angered the Rogue. Traveling to Reunion, the head of the list LREM in the European elections on Sunday included a participation in a mass, as specified in a statement sent to the editorial offices. On the social networks, several executives of insubordinate France, including its leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, were indignant at an attack on secularism.

"Laïcité traminée" for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. "It is amazing that in the context of an official campaign trip, Nathalie Loiseau takes part in a religious ceremony and invites the press to join her." Faith is a private affair "No instrumentalisation" Defend secularism ", tweeted the MP for Seine-Saint-Denis Alexis Corbière. "Grossière recuper of Christianity, laïcité trampled, contempt of the diversity of the island", has on his side lashed Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

It is amazing that as part of an official campaign trip, Ms. Nathalie Loiseau of #REM participates in a religious ceremony and invites the press to join her. Faith is a private matter. No instrumentalisation. Defend secularism!

- Alexis Corbière (@alexiscorbiere) April 13, 2019

Elisabeth Borne embarrassed. Invited "Dimanche politique" on France 3, the Minister of Transport Elisabeth Borne said "do not know exactly in what circumstances" Nathalie Loiseau had made this call. But, slightly embarrassed, she added that "personally", she did not go to masses. "I think there are principles of secularism in the country," she added.

Embarrassed that Nathalie Loiseau invites the press to a mass this morning in Reunion, in Sainte-Clotilde, the Minister of Transport leaves her: "I think that there are also principles of secularism in our country" (question of @FredericSays & @letellier_ftv)

- Paul Larrouturou (@PaulLarrouturou) April 14, 2019

His entourage pleads an "error". If Nathalie Loiseau did not react, her program finally evolved, the mention of the Mass disappearing from its program in a second release. The former Minister of European Affairs finally went to the Chaudron Fairgrounds in Saint-Denis, as reported by a news agency on the island, Imazpresse.

Meet the Reunionese in the aisles of the Chaudron fairground market in Saint-Denis, with @StephaneBIJOUX.

Overseas are the outposts of Europe in the world and at the heart of all the challenges of today. The first of them: preserve our planet.

- Nathalie Loiseau (@NathalieLoiseau) April 14, 2019

Contacted by Le Figaro , a relative of Nathalie Loiseau indicates that this inscription on an official program is a "human error", and that the presence of the head of LREM list at Mass should have remained "a private trip".