Teller Report

My friend .. Who are you to insult others' jackets?

1/5/2019, 11:57:48 AM

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Dr. Mohammad Rateb al-Nabulsi said in one of his lectures this story: In a neighborhood of Damascus heritage known as the market Saruja, in a mosque named Jameed Al-Ward was addressed by the Grand Mufti was a good man - and this story is very old - this Khatib saw the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him In a dream, the Holy Prophet said to the fiancé of this mosque: "He is my companion in Paradise." This khateeb was deeply affected; he is the author of studies, science, understanding, recitation, quran and khutbah, and his neighbor is a simple person. God - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - but I will not tell you God unless you tell me what I did with the Lord ?!

The man refused to say anything, and after an unrelenting urgency he said: I married a woman and in the fifth month of my marriage he was pregnant in the ninth month! - I mean, this fetus is not from him - and I could have fired it, and crushed it, and the state with me and the law with me and her family with me !; Their daughter is an adulteress !, but I wanted to bring her to repentance; When the prayer ended, this child cried. The people were surprised and moved around him. He was late until he ascertained that most of the worshipers were circling around the child. He approached them and said, "What is the story?" , They said Come Come see the bastard !, He said give me him I guarantee it! The entire neighborhood as a bastard.

God does not lift his hair from a slave but has exhausted his stock of jackets, only then is revealed, people will not perish until they excuse themselves

Al-Nabulsi says: I am commenting on this story by saying: "Allah commands justice and charity. " Justice is coercive and charity is voluntary, but this is a woman's transfer from being exposed. She may be killed because she is an adulteress and made her a good woman in this way. Beyond justice. All of us, except from the womb of my Lord, in difficult situations and difficult events, we rarely feel when we see them or hear them. Perhaps the hardest we may experience is treason and forbidden relations, which is difficult for the soul to accept, whatever the justifications and reasons do not underestimate the magnitude of the disaster and its ugliness and ugliness. In a moment of astonishment. They lost their speech for moments and perhaps for a long time, thinking about the act and its consequences for all those who are connected to it from near or far, ignoring its actor, leaning on it with the most painful words and words sympathetic to all those who signed the act.

Can we stop here? And to see the scene from the other angle: Do you think the owner of the event that he may be the hero of the story of the next scandal ?! I do not think so! Any sinner or sinner does not think of him or imagines that he may be in this unenviable situation! Until the day comes when the matter is revealed, and from the scene, it is almost unbelievable that it was exposed to the heads of creatures, and anyone who sees his eyes or did not see him is lost in his reputation and presentation, and he hardly speaks with a letter and can not deny, no courage and no power!

Via poor, what I insult you to people! And I will put you in front of yourself! You are the one who chose this path and decided to complete it, you could not restrain your appetite and your desires, you fascinated a great dream and you thought You are far from him, he imagined that it would be a fleeting whim and a few moments and then leave it and repent to God.

And here you are today alone! The earth has narrowed to you as you welcomed it, wandering around it as if you were caught from the devil, the seconds pass by you, and wait and wait for what will happen to you? There are a thousand questions in your head: How will life go after all this? What will happen and what will change? And how will you live amidst all this shame that hangs on you and who will continue to pursue you? Would you appreciate this pregnancy? Can you forget and forget all about you? Would you repeat what it would have been if your time had come back a bit? If you had the opportunity to do this again do you ?!

Think a thousand times to end your miserable life to rest and relax, but I do you this? The calamity is a curse and a terrible act, and to end your life in this way is a greater calamity! And you are not appointed to meet God and you are in this case. Grouk your mind and your devil and the devil and Ihawk you (Mstor) As long as you hide the matter and pretend otherwise you will be away from the fall and scandal! I thought that a sin is disobeyed by God and actually wronged by others and violated his offer and his right and persisted in him to remain throughout the entire life ?!

Simple positions are revealed to ourselves, the souls are weak and sedition is an invitation to the extent that hardly any one is delivered, even the companions and good predecessors were distasteful to them, and we are not with all the weakness we are able to face


God does not raise his cover for a slave but has exhausted his stock of jackets, only then is revealed, the people will not even be excused from themselves. All our souls are controlled by their wishes and lusts for some time. We fall down and sometimes overcome us, and the prudent who escapes from their nets, and not all the hiccups, either, but we do not stand up and divide at noon, who wanted to be upright. Yes, many of our principles and morals may not have been tested so far. We have not tested them to see whether we will prove them or not. In Egypt we have people like me who say: "All those who are on the coast are ordinary." In other words, But what I know if you were in place may have plunged yourself and your principles went into the wind!

No one is forgiven! For there is no obligation to sin. And there is respectable because he has not yet been subjected to a position that tests his morals and behavior. There is Sharif because he has not yet had the opportunity to steal. And there is the religious because he has not yet asked him questions questioning his religion. And there is asceticism, for until now the world has not come under his feet. Simple positions are revealed to ourselves, the souls are weak and sedition is an invitation to the extent that hardly any one is delivered, even the companions and good predecessors were distasteful to them, and we are not with all the weakness we are able to face. We get caught up in it so that we can suddenly be surprised that we have become that person, or we have done that act that we have long been reminded of and used to.

Some mistakes divide the back, sow disappointment, kill, and subjugate men before women, moments after life becomes beyond what it was before, we have all the right to account and punishment for all who sinned and sinned and encroach on our rights, this is less what we do, but I warn myself and you of injustice And the arrogance (dawn) in the reaction, and ask God to be those who blow up and lust themselves with retaliation, which is followed by revenge, the Almighty said: " Do not dare you Shenn people do not modify the justice is closer to piety ."

And do not punish you, came here in a sense that does not push you to be forced and not paid and justice, perhaps the mistake, and our resolve to break it, regret and admit his sin and repent, let us punish as much as we leave what remains for God and for days, perhaps if we closed all our doors in his face, continue to do and sin and And he may find in it a smuggler of our cruelty and constant whim, reminding him and calibrating him with his actions. All I want to say is not to close the door completely and not forget, as well as among us one day, just leave it close to the other party (may be Almnjih him), perhaps to repair what spoiled him, and perhaps seeking his sincerity, we restore the confidence that lost one day.