Teller Report

MicroFleaver: An initiative that addresses violence in art

1/17/2019, 5:25:05 PM

Marwa El-Elag - Tunisia

Eight years after the Tunisian Jasmine Revolution, without the Tunisians embracing the social and economic demands they seek, the youth crisis deepened and increased, and there was no solution other than social disobedience or the use of verbal or physical violence, as some believe, prompting organizations to move towards finding ways to reconcile youth. With their reality and push them to participate in changing it.

In partnership with the Netherlands Embassy in Tunisia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, MK_Sustainable Solutions launched an information campaign entitled "Micro Flavor".

This campaign aims at channeling young people's energies and skills towards active political and social participation, encouraging them to spread positive messages against violence and social exclusion by integrating technology and art and providing them with critical thinking mechanisms and attempting to involve them in public affairs.

It also aims to increase their awareness of practices that lead to social exclusion and to highlight positive initiatives and alternatives to effective violence.

The project consists of two stages: the first stage is the creation of an electronic platform, a Facebook page and an account on Instagram and YouTube entitled ResiRap, taken from English, Resilience Rap, which means rap flexibility, through which works of art, short films, Project Framework.

The launch of Risby Rap was filmed by a famous rapist "Ould 15" (Alaa Eddin Yaqoubi) at the Feriena State of Kasserine, with the participation of a group of actors.

Amanullah Misawi: The start was from rap but there was a later overlap between rap, acting and dancing to employ all the arts in the sending of positive messages (Al Jazeera)

"The start was from rap, but there was a later overlap between rap, acting and dancing, to employ all the arts to send positive messages," Amanullah Misawi, the director of MQSstable Solutions in North Africa, commented.

He also justified the choice of rap, given its wide spread and rapid spread among young people, especially in Tunisia, compounding the impact of its positive messages.

The second stage is to send workshops to train young people who seek their way and improve their talents and put them on the path to success. In this stage, they will focus on the children of the internal authorities, especially marginalized and deprived ones, to reintegrate their youth into society and discover their hidden talents and help them invest in them.

The first press conference was held on Friday 11 of this month at the Sofi Qali Cultural Center with the participation of hip-hop stars, including "Born 15" and other talents from the target countries.