Teller Report

Media reports: Sony ends collaboration with R. Kelly

1/18/2019, 9:04:06 PM

Allegations of child rape and a Netflix documentary on abuse allegations burden the musician R. Kelly massively. After protests in front of the headquarters of Sony Music, the label has now responded.

The music label Sony Music and the US singer R. Kelly have apparently ended their cooperation. This is reported by the US entertainment websites "Variety" and "Billboard" in unison. Also from the website of the Sony subsidiary RCA Records, in which Kelly was under contract, the musician has already been deleted. Official confirmations from Sony or the musician are not yet available.

The R & B singer Kelly ("I Believe I Can Fly") is said to have had intercourse with minors and have taken pictures of it. In addition, he is said to have kept several women as a sect leader in dependence. The recently released documentary "Surviving R. Kelly" on the US station Lifetime had fueled the sometimes longer known allegations again.

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USA: The case R. Kelly

They have now called the prosecutors in various US states on the plan. Allegations of pedophilia and sexual assault by the singer are being investigated. In addition, the singer is accused of having silenced suspected victims of abuse with threatening letters.

On Wednesday there had been protests in front of the headquarters of Sony Music in New York. Thousands of people had also demanded in online petitions that separates the label after the allegations of the musician.

This morning protest organizers brought more than 200,000 petition signatures to RCA Records and Sony Music Entertainment.

- NPR Music (@nprmusic) January 16, 2019

Besides celebrities like the singer John Legend, R. Kelly's daughter, 21-year-old Joann Kelly, had distanced herself from her father and called him a "monster". Even singer Lady Gaga, who had worked with R. Kelly, commented on the allegations. "I apologize for my weak judgment when I was young and for not having said anything earlier," Gaga wrote in a tweet.