Teller Report

Mali: questions after the postponement of the convocation of Karim Keita - RFI

3/21/2019, 10:29:20 PM

President IBK's son finally did not see the judge this morning. He had been summoned by an investigating judge who finally decided to

By RFIPalled on 03-21-2019Modified on 21-03-2019 at 23:11

President IBK's son did not see the judge this morning. He had been summoned by an examining magistrate who finally decided to postpone the appointment. No mobile was included in the summons to MP Karim Keita, but according to judicial sources, it was to be heard in connection with the investigation of Birama Toure, a Malian journalist who disappeared on January 29, 2016 in Bamako without leaving trace. This rebound in the procedure questions.

What questions is precisely the speed with which the judge backpedaled and the arguments put forward by the court to justify this decision: first, the disclosure of the summons on social networks, and then the immunity of the member summoned. Two points that convinced neither the president of the support committee Birama Touré, nor his relatives. Even if everyone learns from these last twists.

" It's not serious. It really disappointed me, it disappointed everyone because we want it to be really heard. He must speak, we need his version of the facts. The judge has dared to summon the son of a president, it is proof that it is feasible, "says Abdoulwahab Touré, a cousin of the missing journalist, who is hoping soon for further procedural steps to advance the investigation.

Karim Keïta's lawyer ensures that his client did not intend to withdraw from the notice. Karim Keïta does not know Birama Touré and wants only one thing: that the light is made on the file, ensures Me Gaoussou Diarra.

The lawyer explains that he wrote to the judge to remind him of the rules of procedure that should have been imposed for the calling of such a person protected by immunity. A courier who may have played in the decision finally not to hear Karim Keita this Thursday morning. " The convocation that was supposed to be for Mr. Keïta was broadcast widely on the networks and does not even mention the reason for the convocation, which is a basic requirement. In the case of a sitting MP, there is a procedure that allows a judge to hear it properly, "explains Gaoussou Diarra.

Oumar Mariko, chairman of the Sadi party also summoned this morning, also saw his appointment at the judge canceled. He said yesterday evening he was very surprised to have to be heard on this file precisely.

    On the same subject

    Mali: no news from journalist Birama Touré three years after his disappearance
