Teller Report

Macron's announcements: Laurent Berger (CFDT) expects "concrete" and "justice"

4/14/2019, 8:36:26 PM

The secretary general of the union expects measures to promote more tax justice. & Nbsp;

The secretary general of the union is expecting measures in favor of more tax justice.

The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, expects President Macron to announce Monday a "clear course" and "concrete measures", especially for more "justice", he said Sunday.

"Those who earn more should be more involved." "We need a clear course, to show that the ecological transition can be done in social justice", as well as "concrete measures", particularly on issues of mobility at home / work, thermal renovation of housing and of "tax justice", argued the union leader on BFMTV.

"I am not anti-rich, but when a country needs to make an effort, it must be shared: those who earn more must be put to greater use," he added.

Laurent Berger worried about "a society that disintegrates". Deploring that, in the context of the great debate, "almost 55% of citizens say they would like there to be less solidarity", the boss of the CFDT expressed concern about a "society that disintegrates "," where solidarity no longer makes sense ". "I am afraid we are going towards a society with totalitarian hints", which is no longer able to "confront conflicting interests peacefully so that compromises emerge". "I do not want to see come to power one day" the National Rally in France, added Laurent Berger.

"We want to continue to fuck each other like that every Saturday, or we want to try to find solutions for the country I want to find solutions for the country," hammered the boss of the CFDT.

With the former minister Nicolas Hulot and about fifteen associative leaders, Laurent Berger has signed a tribune in the Journal du dimanche calling for "a deep political jump so that this five-year period" is not "lost for the ecological transition and social justice ". The authors of this text had already signed on March 5 a "social and ecological pact" with 66 proposals.