Teller Report

Lyashko Poroshenko accused the headquarters of preparing provocations

2/10/2019, 12:57:35 PM

The leader of the Radical Party of Ukraine, presidential candidate Oleg Lyashko said that the electoral headquarters of Petro Poroshenko is preparing provocations against him.

“I learned that provocations are being prepared at my meetings with people. Poroshenko's headquarters is doing this disgusting, ”he wrote on his Facebook.

Lyashko also said that the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction for "the money stolen from the Ukrainians" are organizing a massive payoff of voters and "dirty provocations."

"I demand Poroshenko to stop splitting the society and discredit the electoral process," he said.

In addition, Lyashko urged other candidates to unite "against election violence and fraud, which organizes Poroshenko's headquarters."

In late January, Lyashko was nominated as a presidential candidate in Ukraine.