Teller Report

Libyan popular movement: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi nominated for the presidency popular demand

3/21/2019, 10:06:01 PM

Libyan popular movement (Mandela Libya) condemned the statements made by the head of the Consultative Council in Libya, Khaled al-Mashri, during which he spoke about the unconstitutionality of some laws issued by the Libyan parliament, including the amnesty law, which released Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and a number of leaders

Libyan popular movement (Mandela Libya) denounced the statements made by Libya's Consultative Council chairman Khaled al-Mashri, in which he spoke about the unconstitutionality of some laws passed by the Libyan parliament, including the amnesty law, which released Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and a number of Libyan leaders During the rule of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

Al-Hayak revealed in a statement yesterday that "the candidacy of Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi has become a popular demand, and the ruling for the electoral fund is al-Faisal," pointing out that the laws that are imposed by force and de facto policies are over.

"Saif al-Islam's release was carried out under sound legal procedures, not in terms of form or procedures," said Saif al-Islam, a supporter of Saif al-Islam al-Qadhafi's candidacy for the presidency of Libya, adding that Saif al-Islam is embarking on reconciliations between the tribes to maintain civil peace in Libya.

He pointed out that the internationally recognized Libyan Parliament passed several laws, including the abolition of political isolation, applied to current ministers of the internationally recognized Accordance Government, and issued budget laws from which state funds are disposed of, loan cancellation laws and the amnesty law.

Al-Hayak stressed that all groups of the Libyan people support these laws because they want a democratic civil state in which power is traded and development takes place, rejecting the Muslim Brotherhood's insistence on accepting part of the laws of parliament and rejecting the other and not accepting the principle of rotation of power. .

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